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Promenade - Megathread


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No idea. But they have built a new feedback mechanism into the structure. Anyone who criticises it on social media gets some instant feedback delivered to their house, free of charge. 


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I'll bet the bus driver of the double decker and the drivers of the 23 vehicles behind were very happy with the two bikes gently ambling along through Lezayre this morning. How pleased they would be that the schedule was disrupted and the drivers behind had the continuing problem of getting past safely, probably all the way to Ramsey and even then the trucks in the queue would have difficulty in spite of the so called cycle path.

Ah well, it's all good, the cyclists were happy, the folk in the queue were happy, (not),  and the world carried on regardless.

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1 hour ago, doc.fixit said:

I'll bet the bus driver of the double decker and the drivers of the 23 vehicles behind were very happy with the two bikes gently ambling along through Lezayre this morning. How pleased they would be that the schedule was disrupted and the drivers behind had the continuing problem of getting past safely, probably all the way to Ramsey and even then the trucks in the queue would have difficulty in spite of the so called cycle path.

Ah well, it's all good, the cyclists were happy, the folk in the queue were happy, (not),  and the world carried on regardless.

The Government should compulsorily purchase all existing bicycles on the Island and destroy them. And then implement a ban on any future imports of these things.

A bit draconian I appreciate but desperate times call for desperate measures

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6 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

It would make the job easier if they carried some sort of ID, like a registration number.

Yes and you could put ids on people as well...oh their crazy kids on bmxs. Good luck with that one.

Many of the laws on the roads do not actually apply to cyclists, rightly or wrongly. It is not a vehicle in the eyes of the law. I don't believe even speed limits apply.

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4 hours ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

If the bad cyclists were  easier to identify by some means and the police showed even the slightest interest in dealing with the worst offenders then a lot (some) of the dislike of the cyclists may dissipate.

Lots (some) of cyclists do not seem to like waiting a few seconds to pass pedestrians safely on pavements, even if they should not be on there in the first place. I mean if time was of the essence for your journey you would just use a car.


There are lots of idiots. Some idiots drive cars, some idiots drive vans etc. Some idiots ride bikes. Some idiots walk. It will ever be thus. Idiocy, in my experience is certainly not exclusive to cyclists.

When I am in my car, I get irritated by idiot cyclists. When i am on my bike i get irritated by idiots in cars.

I have kinda gotten used to it

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4 hours ago, Happier diner said:

There are lots of idiots. Some idiots drive cars, some idiots drive vans etc. Some idiots ride bikes. Some idiots walk. It will ever be thus. Idiocy, in my experience is certainly not exclusive to cyclists.

When I am in my car, I get irritated by idiot cyclists. When i am on my bike i get irritated by idiots in cars.

I have kinda gotten used to it

Well keep off your bike, that will reduce your irritation levels

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