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Promenade - Megathread


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46 minutes ago, John Wright said:

And that’s the whole idea of the phases, doing the Centre first, then one side followed by the other. 

Keeps traffic moving and allows access to properties and businesses.

Blocking off complete sections, Sea Terminal to Greensills, Greensills to Broadway, Broadway to Palace, Palace to Summerhill, Summerhill to Strathallan, would have a much more disastrous effect on travel and business.

And if done in bigger sections - you would need more plant and a bigger workforce = more cost

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Looked again at the plans, is that 'chicane' somewhere north of broadway still on the plan? A wi9ggle in the tram tracks with trees clifton terrace area?

If this turns out to be crap, can we sequestrate the MHKs who voted for it????

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

For a shorter period = less cost? 

But more disruption. A rolling set of works makes more sense.  But obviously you and everyone else on here have many years of civil engineering experience and know how it should be done  


Edited by kevster
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On 8/1/2019 at 8:05 PM, hissingsid said:

It had to be done, should have been sorted years ago.    Anyone who did not envisage mess and inconvenience is delusional.    Keeping traffic flowing the same time as the work being done is very challenging.   Moaning about it will not speed the process up.   The amazing thing to me is we seem to have about 60,000 civil engineers living on the Island who could have done a better job in half the time for £25 quid.    Just enjoy the sunshine and suck it up.

But surley they would have consulted all of the business`s that would be effected first, and outlined the timeline of the job, and compensation to any of those business`s effected ?

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8 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

Alf’s comments and admissions are interesting. Pretty much he’s saying we trusted the DOI not to make a complete pigs ear out of this but sadly it’s now turned into a national crisis where we have to help bailing them out as they’re totally incompetent. Harmer needs to go and so does Nick Black. How embarrassing that it’s now almost a national emergency sticking some horse trams in and doing some road works?  The DOI have the negative Midas touch. Everything they touch eventually turns to shit. 



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22 hours ago, Max Power said:

How it was done in 1931..

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That is a mighty impressive substrata, and It was well contained too. Looking at the excavations it seems there was little wrong with the foundation layers, certainly none of the horror stories that were put about.


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