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Promenade - Megathread


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19 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

And how long are those white lines on the roundabout going to last, given that they already seem to be being marked and scrubbed by tyres?

They are due to be replaced with granite at a later date 

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Navigations of roundel to date - 2

Near misses witnessed - 1


Me heading Onchan to Douglas and I stop at the stupid crossing just before bottom of Broadway for a pedestrian.

As do the two vehicles on the other side heading toward summerland.

Car coming down Broadway is looking right to see if they need to give way.  Don’t’ stop, and personally I would have been going slower than he was.

Car passes in front of him and he thinks he is good to go, one more check right, all clear.

Looks straight ahead at where he is heading and the car he gave way to is stopped right in his path because of the two vehicles (one car, one van) stoped to let pedestrians cross.

Only a matter of time, and as a pedestrian I will be giving it a wide berth.

Also, as mentioned above looks dirty and scruffy already.  As does most of the paving which also does a brilliant job of reflecting light right back into your face - so take sunglasses if you are walking and have even slightly sensitive eyes.

3/10.  Bit outside Sefton looks nice.  Wonder how much the paving engraved with the musical notes for the national anthem cost?  Shame it’s so badly done you can barely make it out even before anyone has walked on it.

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10 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

The videos on FB look dreadful already. People going over it, through it, round it, no one has any idea what to do with it. Nothing standard about it in the slightest. Only a matter of time until there's an accident there.

The whole point is you don’t “do” anything.

Nobody has priority or right of way.  Everyone is meant to just slow to a crawl and be polite and kind and fluffy and stuff.

That is the theory as I understand it anyway.  In reality people going straight along the prom we’re just barrelling through as if there was no intersection and with a quick glance to their right

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30 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

In reality people going straight along the prom we’re just barrelling through as if there was no intersection and with a quick glance to their right

Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

It's what I did this morning 😎

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

What part of the roundabout is the red car observing? 😂

And how long are those white lines on the roundabout going to last, given that they already seem to be being marked and scrubbed by tyres?

It's a Hyundai i10.  The minimum age for driving one of these is 73. To the onlooker it appears like a dreary tiny hatchback. To the driver it's a London route master so needs to go straight across due to the vehicles extraordinary width and length.  

It's also mandatory to have no perception of any other vehicles on tje Road. Poor driver was probably wondering where the traffic lights had gone. 

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Obviously you haven’t a clue, Jersey is a lot smaller island, has a lot more residents & visitors so going to be a lot easier to operate at a profit.

No one is against privatization but no sane private operator will take on without a subsidy or the axing of most routes which would be politically & socially unacceptable. Obviously it needs to be run more efficiently.

if it’s so easy to run privately why don’t you put your wallet on table & put a bid in rather than opening big mouth?

You appear to have no concept of what contracting the bus service to an operator is or means.


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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

The whole point is you don’t “do” anything.

Nobody has priority or right of way.  Everyone is meant to just slow to a crawl and be polite and kind and fluffy and stuff.

That is the theory as I understand it anyway.  In reality people going straight along the prom we’re just barrelling through as if there was no intersection and with a quick glance to their right

I agree, it's just marked as it is to advise that you observe the roundabout rules rather than follow any particular lines. I have to say, the traffic always flowed there better when the lights failed, so maybe the hope is for a similar reaction?

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2 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:


Looks straight ahead at where he is heading and the car he gave way to is stopped right in his path because of the two vehicles (one car, one van) stoped to let pedestrians cross.

Only a matter of time, and as a pedestrian I will be giving it a wide berth.

The zebra crossing right on the junction will get someone killed. From what I can tell it's also below the minimum distance from a junction. 

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OK there are accidents and unforeseen circumstances, but anyone having an accident due to going through the roundy thingy at a great lick deserves to have their license taken off them.

This will give them plenty of time on the bus in the morning to consider just how important it really was to get to their workplace or whatever so quickly.

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4 minutes ago, Barlow said:

OK there are accidents and unforeseen circumstances, but anyone having an accident due to going through the roundy thingy at a great lick deserves to have their license taken off them.

But the problem is that it will be a lot more difficult to prove dangerous or careless driving in an environment where there are no standard features that people should be obeying.  And you can't prosecute for things such as going through pedestrian crossings if they aren't there or if there are features that may invalidate ones that are.

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