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Promenade - Megathread


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17 minutes ago, gettafa said:

That is a mighty impressive substrata, and It was well contained too. Looking at the excavations it seems there was little wrong with the foundation layers, certainly none of the horror stories that were put about.


Exactly, I've yet to see more than mere scrapings of the surface.

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28 minutes ago, gettafa said:

That is a mighty impressive substrata, and It was well contained too. Looking at the excavations it seems there was little wrong with the foundation layers, certainly none of the horror stories that were put about.


They've now admitted that. No voids. No foundations washed away.

What we've ended up with is a £25M, 3 year+ design department and job justification exercise, that once it was started, was a total commitment. Any business losses are merely acceptable collateral damage in the DOI view.

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33 minutes ago, NoTail said:

Genuine question 

There are 2 or 3 large contractors doing the work. All well established and respected.  Do the issues lie with them or someone higher up?

higher up,  those contractors get told one thing one day and another the next

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9 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

They've now admitted that. No voids. No foundations washed away.

What we've ended up with is a £25M, 3 year+ design department and job justification exercise, that once it was started, was a total commitment. Any business losses are merely acceptable collateral damage in the DOI view.

I've seen massive high street projects lasting ages in the UK, people just get on with it, it has to be done. The fact is, nobody is preventing access to these businesses, people just have to walk a little further. What does everyone think should have been done to mitigate any disruption? We all knew what was happening and when, did the businesses not know what we knew? They are simply out for a bit of compo, they are probably manufacturing their claims now and fudging the accounts. Make enough noise and the government will fold.

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2 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

One of the business owners on the Manx Radio news said she had not drawn wages for 4 months as current turnover couldn’t support it. Can you imagine how angry a DOI manager would be if he didn’t get paid at the end of the month? These people inhabit totally different worlds. 

I agree Willy, but what is the answer, do it or not?

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What needs to be done, needs to be done. What needs to be questioned is the justification (ie scare stories) trotted out to make everybody believe that it had to be done in the scale and fashion that it is being done.

Oddly, it bears a strange resemblance to the, "We'll all starve if we don't increase farming subsidies" threats of woe.

Starter for ten, what's the common denominator?

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4 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

What needs to be done, needs to be done. What needs to be questioned is the justification (ie scare stories) trotted out to make everybody believe that it had to be done in the scale and fashion that it is being done.

Oddly, it bears a strange resemblance to the, "We'll all starve if we don't increase farming subsidies" threats of woe.

Starter for ten, what's the common denominator?

Tosspots still at large!

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3 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

What needs to be done, needs to be done. What needs to be questioned is the justification (ie scare stories) trotted out to make everybody believe that it had to be done in the scale and fashion that it is being done.

Oddly, it bears a strange resemblance to the, "We'll all starve if we don't increase farming subsidies" threats of woe.

Starter for ten, what's the common denominator?

To be fair, the surface, particularly on Loch Prom looked like there was a lot of subsidence, in fact the whole prom was like a MotoX track when I tootled along on the little scooter I use for nipping about. We all complained about the thing often enough, even on here!  

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2 hours ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

Alf’s comments and admissions are interesting. Pretty much he’s saying we trusted the DOI not to make a complete pigs ear out of this but sadly it’s now turned into a national crisis where we have to help bailing them out as they’re totally incompetent. Harmer needs to go and so does Nick Black. How embarrassing that it’s now almost a national emergency sticking some horse trams in and doing some road works?  The DOI have the negative Midas touch. Everything they touch eventually turns to shit. 


Looks  to me like he's just doing what a politician does. Sees something that people are heated up about and jumps on it taking the side of the aggrieved. No great shock.

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5 minutes ago, Max Power said:

To be fair, the surface, particularly on Loch Prom looked like there was a lot of subsidence, in fact the whole prom was like a MotoX track when I tootled along on the little scooter I use for nipping about. We all complained about the thing often enough, even on here!  

Not necessarily the fault of the prom more the utilities types that keep digging it up!

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3 minutes ago, Max Power said:

To be fair, the surface, particularly on Loch Prom looked like there was a lot of subsidence, in fact the whole prom was like a MotoX track when I tootled along on the little scooter I use for nipping about. We all complained about the thing often enough, even on here!  

Yes, but much of the grounds for complaint about the road surface were quickly rectified by incomer Harmer's resurfacing strategy.

But we were seemingly already "locked in" to the in-depth, £25M restructuring of the prom with the reasons given at the time already now being refuted by the DOI itself. What I'm getting at here is, are we now up to our waists in something that didn't need to be done, either in depth, literally, or expense?

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6 minutes ago, Max Power said:

To be fair, the surface, particularly on Loch Prom looked like there was a lot of subsidence, in fact the whole prom was like a MotoX track when I tootled along on the little scooter I use for nipping about. We all complained about the thing often enough, even on here!  

Listening to the Tynwald debates at the time the cost was being justified, I feel sure that we were told the works required would need to be much more extensive than we are seeing. We were assured that the whole thing was virtually in a state of collapse and it needed starting again from scratch. Although on here https://www.myprom.im/plans/scheme-details#cont it does say a metre and a half of digging. Is that what we have? Appearances may be deceptive.


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