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Promenade - Megathread


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23 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

You do that. But I would imagine the first serious pedestrian accident will be as a result of a driver not driving responsibly and not using the roundel as it should be used.

And quote this as well

That's fine but please remember it was a press report from the very people that designed and built it that told the nation the wrong way to treat the navigation of this particular road junction. Also the pedestrian crossings are much too close to the roundels. Looking at what actually happens here I saw several pedestrians press the button to cross. Not one waited for the red lights to stop traffic. They all got fed up waiting  on a fairly empty road. 

Reports from shared space projects in the UK generally report that nether drivers nor pedestrians feel comfortable and many avoid such areas where there is an alternative. 

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4 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

But according to the police, the area should be treated as an unmarked junction.  So presumably the only way use the roundel is to ignore it completely.

In which case, why is it there?

Because somebody idealistic got a new box of crayons issued and was obliged to do something with them?

These people are just whiling away their time and taking the piss at everybody's expense. All this pissing around is currently costing/has cost large amounts of money. How much would it have cost to design and incorporate a proper roundabout at the junction as opposed to what's there now?

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6 minutes ago, emesde said:

The UK's Department for Transport issued national guidance on shared space in 2011. However in July 2018 it reversed its position and instructed local authorities to halt all new shared space projects. 

Not quite. It’s only concerns were about level spaces 

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4 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

What he said: 



That's all well and good, but i would have thought, that when designing a major junction, two of the main requirements are - 

1- Make it safe

2-Ensure traffic flow is maximised and efficient.

So with that in mind, do you install an unproven roundel, where no one has a clue what anyone else is doing. Or install a roundabout, a proven method, where everyone knows what everyone else is doing ?

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17 minutes ago, bonatti said:

That's all well and good, but i would have thought, that when designing a major junction, two of the main requirements are - 

1- Make it safe

2-Ensure traffic flow is maximised and efficient.

So with that in mind, do you install an unproven roundel, where no one has a clue what anyone else is doing. Or install a roundabout, a proven method, where everyone knows what everyone else is doing ?

Well everyone should know to not drive into another car, pedestrian or cyclist.

Maybe having used this roundel people may take more care at other junctions on the Island

Its not rocket science just common sense.

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4 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well everyone should know to not drive into another car, pedestrian or cyclist.

Maybe having used this roundel people may take more care at other junctions on the Island

Its not rocket science just common sense.

That's obvious.

But do you think a roundel will be more efficient at moving large volumes of traffic than a roundabout?

And will it be safer? That will take time to judge i guess.

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18 minutes ago, bonatti said:

That's obvious.

But do you think a roundel will be more efficient at moving large volumes of traffic than a roundabout?

And will it be safer? That will take time to judge i guess.

Well maybe it may be less efficient at moving “large” volumes of traffic. 
Hardly spaghetti junction is it ?

Safer? Well that’s down to the users.

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7 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well maybe it may be less efficient at moving “large” volumes of traffic. 
Hardly spaghetti junction is it ?

That's my point. 

It obviously wasn't a major consideration when designing the junction.

It may not be spaghetti junction, but it is a junction on one of the main commuter routes in and out of Douglas. And a  very busy one a peak times of day.

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