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22 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Says who? Since when?

The new signs on Queens Prom have a pictogram of a car on them along with the time limits.

Whether that means cars only and is a legal road sign and whether it will be enforced if it is is another matter.

Edited by ellanvannin2010
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2 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

Which is always pointless, as you still have to be able top open the doors, so still take up a full bay.

Bring back the bubble car:


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18 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Slightly (well a lot) off topic.

You know those adverts that show a car self parking by reversing into a space?

Has anyone seen that in real life?

Or watched a woman parallel park:



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1 hour ago, AlanShimmin said:

One thing the DOI/MyProm machine has remained silent on is the fact that all the red concrete from Broadway to Summerland has to come up. 

This will take months of costly disruption for Prom businesses. 

Why don't they come clean about it?

Baker is missing in action so not hearing from him anytime soon and hopefully not ever again if he doesnt get elected   But I agree its still a hot potatoe I'm sure but its clearly not happening this side of a years time at least . They wouldnt dare !! .

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2 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Slightly (well a lot) off topic.

You know those adverts that show a car self parking by reversing into a space?

Has anyone seen that in real life?


Numerous  cars I have owned over about a ten year period.

Was cool at first, now driving one that doesn’t do it is like taking a step back in time but still a chance to show the kids a Dad skill

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8 hours ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

The new signs on Queens Prom have a pictogram of a car on them along with the time limits.

Whether that means cars only and is a legal road sign and whether it will be enforced if it is is another matter.

I’ve contacted the DOI about this and parking enforcement in general after the ticket blitz on loch prom the other day. The person in charge of regulations and parking enforcement is quite reasonable and nice to deal with it. I’ve asked him the exact question on what constitutes a car and a van for the purpose of those signs and they are currently drafting the proposed new orders for the prom that cover this. I’m waiting for an update that I’ll share when I get it. Until then there should only be advisories and no tickets for this. 

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7 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Baker is missing in action so not hearing from him anytime soon and hopefully not ever again if he doesnt get elected   But I agree its still a hot potatoe I'm sure but its clearly not happening this side of a years time at least . They wouldnt dare !! .

He was "on the stump" in the Sulby Glen the other night, not answering many questions though.

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4 hours ago, Amadeus said:

I’ve contacted the DOI about this and parking enforcement in general after the ticket blitz on loch prom the other day. The person in charge of regulations and parking enforcement is quite reasonable and nice to deal with it. I’ve asked him the exact question on what constitutes a car and a van for the purpose of those signs and they are currently drafting the proposed new orders for the prom that cover this. I’m waiting for an update that I’ll share when I get it. Until then there should only be advisories and no tickets for this. 

Right.... so what 3 years+ and they couldn't have those orders in place until now? 


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