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Promenade - Megathread


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11 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

Let's fine out if any of the class of '21 have the cahunas. 


It will need to be a coordinated approach with cross-Tynwald support. 

Totally , you dont take on the CS on a whim and on your own. Hence the need for the CM to be totally on board and any ministers have to sign on to the process too . I really hope it happens .

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35 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

Let's fine out if any of the class of '21 have the cahunas. 


It will need to be a coordinated approach with cross-Tynwald support. 

Not just Cahunas though is it?

They also need knowledge of streamlining significant sized businesses and implement wide sweeping new cultures, policies etc. 

Unless you just mean they just need to  sack the top layer then bring in a support someone ruthless from off island?

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41 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Not just Cahunas though is it?

They also need knowledge of streamlining significant sized businesses and implement wide sweeping new cultures, policies etc. 

Unless you just mean they just need to  sack the top layer then bring in a support someone ruthless from off island?

It is to a degree. It's having the tenacity and vision to put an end to the current regime at DOI. 


It can't be streamlined or have a change of culture - that's already been tried and they always manage to swerve it... remember Gawne and Reynolds promising to save +£2m a year at the airport? 

New structures are needed, but only in return for the current ones being thrown on the bonfire. 

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6 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

I was driving so not that easy to view but its either breaking up already or laid very badly. And I mean VERY badly.

The join between the concrete and the tarmac has left lots of space for water ingress and freeze/thaw action will have that potholed in 18 months... 

But then maybe they didn't bother too much as they know all the concrete has to come up anyway! 

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5 hours ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

A friend complained about it to myprom earlier in the week as there are no crossings open North of there on the promenade and no signs as to where nearest open crossing is. Were told it was to do with replacing blockwork but they had no idea how long it was shut for. 


Blockwork is an interesting excuse. This one has been relaid twice already before it was even open to traffic... just like the one at Sam Webbs.

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3 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

The join between the concrete and the tarmac has left lots of space for water ingress and freeze/thaw action will have that potholed in 18 months... 

But then maybe they didn't bother too much as they know all the concrete has to come up anyway! 

There are weeds growing between the blocks on the Admiral House stretch of Loch Prom already

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37 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

The join between the concrete and the tarmac has left lots of space for water ingress and freeze/thaw action will have that potholed in 18 months... 

But then maybe they didn't bother too much as they know all the concrete has to come up anyway! 

No Alan what I'm talking about is in the main body of the newly laid tarmac not on edges Yes edges are bad but the main area is terrible . I'll try and get pictures on Sunday if I dont have too much wine on Saturday night . 

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

We're looking in the wrong reference books.

We need to be looking at "Crayonista Regulations for Carriageway and Footpath Signage".

Copies not publicly available at the Sea Terminal.

There is actaully a DoI document. One which they completely ignored for the Kirk Michael blood clot crossing. They literally made up thier own rules and can't follow them. This is not rocket science.


he Zebra Pedestrian Crossings Regulations 1972, and subsequent amendments
in 1990 and 1996, describe how zebra crossings must be designed and used.


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