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Promenade - Megathread


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7 hours ago, english zloty said:


the news picked up the further delay into November announced in August per these minutes. the more relevant thing is the Contractor and Rail specialist being in contractual dispute and the DOI being in dispute with the Contractor. that and the small matter of 'descoping' a lot of stuff and returning to sort issues with the rail crossing in winter and cracking at a later date - my guess, this is going to the Courts 

I've always said that theres a issue between DOI and Auldyn. The cracks on the red concrete are about spec I'm sure and not about Auldyn. There was ,after the first cracking, at least 3 differents solutions tried which can only have come from DOI. They say its down to Auldyn to fix but I'm sure no contractor wouldn't have worked to the specification or they would be asking for trouble. I feel the issues with the rail corridor are all part of the problem to do with DOI's architects and civil engineers and the design plans. This is not going to end well and its going to cost tax payers a great deal of money. And as for works being finished by beginning of November , no chance ! , mid December with a return to carry out the rest over the next two years if lucky. I will say it again , DOI should not be allowed within a million miles of any further scheme till they sort out management and their skill sets. Ohh , and Nick Black clearly has to go ! .

Edited by Numbnuts
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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

I've always said that theres a issue between DOI and Auldyn. The cracks on the red concrete are about spec I'm sure and not about Auldyn. There was after the first cracking at least 3 differents solutions tried which can only have come from DOI. They say its down to Auldyn to fix but I'm sure no contractor wouldn't have worked to the specification or they would be asking for trouble. I feel the issues with the rail corridor are all part of the problem to do with DOI's architects and civil engineers and the design plans. And as for works being finished by beginning of November , no chance ! , mid December with a return to carry out the rest over the next two years if lucky. I will say it again , DOI should not be allowed within a million miles of any further scheme till they sort out management and their skill sets. Ohh , and Nick Black clearly has to go ! .

This is not going to end well and its going to cost tax payers a great deal of money.....

It's never going to end....(for an example NSC flumes was an 8 month contract period now about month 28 and rising) and as for the money aspect... how do we stop it? Not only has the budget been spent and bumped with all sorts of extra's but now they are desperatley cutting work out, which is laughably called 'value engineering'.

Now we'll waste more thousands on lawyers arguing over the contracts until they reach a settlement which we'll probably never be told the truth about. All parties will go away to lick their wounds with a mutually assured destruction pact to not air the dirty laundry.

After all Colas group will be backing Auldyn so I don't see DoI winning that one. And everyone will point fingers at sub-contractors who have no chance to defend themselves as they don't have the resources.

But 'lessons will be learned'... 'inherited issues'.... 'unforseen'....

Onwards and upwards. The PAC should be onto this as soon as before the players all move on to other projects/jobs etc.

Bit off more than they can chew. Should have been done in defined sections, finish a section before you move on. So waht if it took 3 or 5 years if it was on budget on spec and on time?   


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3 hours ago, The Phantom said:


Had some clients over this week and they were staying at the Sefton. 

I apologised for the state of the prom and tried to briefly explain the shambles. 

They thought it looked really nice! 

Yes Rob, I guess they were inspirational scoreboard designers, I didn't think Cartels were allowed on the island, so it must be Rolex.

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5 hours ago, The Phantom said:


Had some clients over this week and they were staying at the Sefton. 

I apologised for the state of the prom and tried to briefly explain the shambles. 

They thought it looked really nice! 

You’ve been on here long enough to realize that positivity is not encouraged or even recognized but is to be dismissed.

And you will hilariously be amusingly accused of being a politician,
Tim Baker and Rob Callister in your case.

From memory I have been responded to as at least one of those. Also Howard Quayle and David Ashford.

Let the loonies have their fun!


Edited by The Voice of Reason
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27 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

You’ve been on here long enough to realize that positivity is not encouraged or even recognized but is to be dismissed.

And you will hilariously be amusingly accused of being a politician,
Tim Baker and Rob Callister in your case.

From memory I have been responded to as at least one of those. Also Howard Quayle and David Ashford.

Let the loonies have their fun!


It does seem easy to confuse you for a Government shill/apologist. 

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33 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Any chance we let the project commence before you start dissing it?

No.  Because we have already seen the plans which give us plenty of scope to diss it and point out that it was clearly designed by people who have….

Never been to Ramsey.

Never experienced Manx weather.

Have no understanding of the parking situation in Ramsey.

Have no real understanding of the flooding issues in Ramsey.

Have no clue how the fishing boats operate.

Have shares in a wanky Chinese granite company.


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