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Promenade - Megathread


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One might wonder, if the Promenade was elsewhere (UK/Europe) and was somebody else's "gateway" to town or jurisdiction; would it be a similar affair to that which the GMP have witnessed/experienced?

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Looks like Tim Crookal has started as he means to go on. Not like him to sit on the fence !!

NEWS: Douglas Promenade will be finished 'as soon as possible' to the standard which is expected.

That's the view of the new infrastructure minister who says he won't commit to revealing deadline dates.

#News #IoM #ManxRadio

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On 9/12/2021 at 1:53 PM, Beelzebub3 said:

They can and will use surface dressing on the TT course, although I would have thought they are leaving it a bit late in the year to be laying surface dressing late september is not ideal as the temperate drops quite rapidly and rainfall is quite common and this sometimes leads to problems (Richmond hill/Airport roundabout) another problem is getting the roadmarkings back before the weather turns, but no doubt the DOI will have factored in all these issues and will be well prepared. 

I had a run arond the Island at the weekend it would appear that none of the lines removed for surface dressing have been replaced as yet, do the DOI wallahs live on a different planet to us I predicted this would happen although I am not sure what would happen if there happened to be a serious accident on an unlined road what are the legal consequences of no lining, is there a requirement to have centre-lines etc? 

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20 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Looks like Tim Crookal has started as he means to go on. Not like him to sit on the fence !!

NEWS: Douglas Promenade will be finished 'as soon as possible' to the standard which is expected.

That's the view of the new infrastructure minister who says he won't commit to revealing deadline dates.

#News #IoM #ManxRadio

Surely "not issuing deadline dates" publicly also then takes any pressure off the workforce/contractors as well though? And whose "standard"? The DOI's to date, or the standard that the MTPs would like and expect to see?

I see there's a comment about his new Department's "previous failings" too. The Dept that Tim Baker "left in a better state than he found it"?

It's meaningless platitudes from the word "go" as far as I can see?

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Surely "not issuing deadline dates" publicly also then takes any pressure off the workforce/contractors as well though? And whose "standard"? The DOI's to date, or the standard that the MTPs would like and expect to see?

Well the 'pressure' of deadlines doesn't seem to have much effect so far, except may to whack up overtime rates.  But the real problem here is that the whole project (assuming it was even necessary) has been designed incompetently at every level.  You really need to get outsiders in to sort it out and get rid of those in charge, probably under quite close political supervision.  And none of that will be acceptable to the civil service ("Use every man after his desert, and who should ’scape whipping?"). 

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I'd suggest that in the opinion of many of the GMP, Crookall's best start would involve marching one or two DOI mandarins out into the Sea Terminal carpark and telling them that if the job was not acceptably finished by a researched and realistic date then they'd be acquainting themselves with the counter in Markwell House; that's the public side of the counter.

Edited by Non-Believer
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5 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Looks like Tim Crookal has started as he means to go on. Not like him to sit on the fence !!

NEWS: Douglas Promenade will be finished 'as soon as possible' to the standard which is expected.

That's the view of the new infrastructure minister who says he won't commit to revealing deadline dates.

#News #IoM #ManxRadio

He's not on the fence. He has applied a higher intellect. He has worked out that the problem wasn't lack of progress ( or more correctly not meeting the programme) but the problem has been too many deadlines. Remove the deadlines, problem sorted. 

Now why didn't anyone else think of that. 

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5 hours ago, Numbnuts said:


NEWS: Douglas Promenade will be finished 'as soon as possible' to the standard which is expected.


well it's definitely the shit standard we all 'expected' ,  below and beyond even...........................

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46 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I'd suggest that in the opinion of many of the GMP, Crookall's best start would involve marching one or two DOI mandarins out into the Sea Terminal carpark and telling them that if the job was not acceptably finished by a researched and realistic date then they'd be acquainting themselves with the counter in Markwell House; that's the public side of the counter.

How many chances do you give them ??? How many have they had already. We have remember the Prom , NSC and the continued ongoing works on Richmond Hill plus so many more.  They have had 3 years with continued GMP critiscm , and for the most part totally justified , and they still havent shown any signs of grasping the issues or at least making sure the work standard improves. There is something seriously wrong with the whole setup including managers , design and civil engineers . And to not have a clerk of the works throughout the whole scheme is inexcusable. Only way this can change is a clearout of senior DOI management . Dont like anyone to lose there jobs but clearly  in above their ability      

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