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Promenade - Megathread


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3 hours ago, MrPB said:

Pulrose Bridge after that too! 

That was another cracker. When they were building the Power Station, Pulrose Bridge should have been closed once and once only. Forward planning and all that. Instead it was diug up multiple times and traffic lights controlled for weeks on end each time.

That's what happens when money is thrown at a project. 

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2 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

It's unbelievable that they're still running the bloody horse trams while the TT Course is closed and the Promenade dug up! They're even using a stop/go sign to stop all traffic at the bottom of Summer Hill so the bloody thing can trundle through empty! 

Indeed, far better to let a vehicle slam into one of the horses... :rolleyes:

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3 minutes ago, MrPB said:

I was sat outside the Queens on Sunday. The number of cars that nearly hit that stupid tram coming back the other way was unbelievable. After where it’s coned off after the Queens the cars have to swap sides of the road over the tram lines and cut right across front of the oncoming trams and people were sat there having a few beers simply amazed at the ridiculously dangerous set up waiting for a horse to be clipped. And every tram only had a couple of grinning pensioners on board anyway. It’s a complete farce. Someone needs sacking for such a stupid mess for no actual benefit to anyone. 

Very well said! 

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Just now, MrPB said:

I was sat outside the Queens on Sunday. The number of cars that nearly hit that stupid tram coming back the other way was unbelievable. After where it’s coned off after the Queens the cars have to swap sides of the road over the tram lines and cut right across front of the oncoming trams and people were sat there having a few beers simply amazed at the ridiculously dangerous set up waiting for a horse to be clipped. And every tram only had a couple of grinning pensioners on board anyway. It’s a complete farce. Someone needs sacking for such a stupid mess for no actual benefit to anyone. 

Does that not say more about the drivers than anything else?

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43 minutes ago, MrPB said:

No I don’t think it does as nobody and I mean nobody expects the DOI to put in that stupid a road layout where without any prior warning or signage you are forced to blindly swerve in front of oncoming horses to drive through a set of cones on a straight road. It’s so totally moronic and dangerous it’s untrue. The people watching literally couldn’t believe what they were seeing. 

Have you lived on the Island long then...

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2 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

£1.5m horse stables and £600k tram shed and another several hundred thousand on the rusty trams. 

But that's the point (except possibly the 'rusty trams' I think some of that is done by volunteers).  The DoI don't give a damn about the horse trams or their tradition or whatever.  What they care about is the opportunity to spend money.  You saw this with Douglas Council when the councillors refused to spend a lot of money on expensive new stables and it was immediately decided by their civil servants that the horse trams were too expensive to run.  Then the DoI took over and all it meant was that their chums got the contracts instead of the Corpy's.

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2 hours ago, MrPB said:

It really is nonsensical. I wasn’t joking when I said someone should be sacked. Someone should be sacked. And all for a handful of old gimmers as well. They should just have taken the trams off at least for the duration of the works. 

Absolutely, someone should be sacked! Don't forget, in addition to the day to day operational chaos and risk, when pushed to explain why the horse trams are running, a whole succession of DoI Directors/Managers/Minister (Black, Robinson, Longworth and Harmer) all lied about having a contractual obligation to do so.  

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