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Promenade - Megathread


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2 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

Just realised something. The tram tracks will be between the highway and the walkway in front of the villa gaiety. So if the promenade walkway is to be used as overflow parking still, you'll have to cross the tram lines again.

Before you went around the flowerbed in front of the gaiety and gave way to traffic from one direction with the occasional tram going northbound.

Now, southbound you'll have to give way to trams on your left going in both directions and northbound the same, but you'll also be holding up all of the traffic behind you coming along the prom and off of the roundel.

Genius. At least the trams shouldn't be running during the lead up to Christmas.




Not if the tram tracks are terminated at Broadway as is currently doing the rounds. 

If they stop at Broadway they also avoid the need for ~£5m to 'finish' them to the Sea Terminal and the expensive signalling system. 

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1 minute ago, Happier diner said:

Traffic lights would sort the uneven queue situation. Tidal flow. 

There are two lanes for about 10 yards! Traffic going left into town is held up by traffic going straight on and right. Basically everyone is waiting for everyone else making it a terribly inefficient junction. 

They don't want to upset the layout as it's part of the TT course. 

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42 minutes ago, WTF said:

there are 2 lanes now , admittedly not for much of a distance, but as traffic from the peel direction is what controls traffic coming off the brayhill side it doesn't really matter how far back the 2 lanes go unless the 20th car back is the next car that wants to go left,  not worth worrying about.

People coming from peel thinking they have right of way over those coming down from Bray Hill is exactly what causes the issue, that and people coming from Bray Hill being too hesitant.

The junction is fine, people just can’t use it.  An unmarked junction like on the prom would actually increase throughout - if the yokels could drive properly

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13 minutes ago, TomTucker said:

Any changes to the road layout could be fixed for TT with a few barriers and trackside protection. The whole area on offer is huge to once you utilize the QB car park pub and the old shop. 

Time for a one way system using Kirby woods or nsc as the centre 


Honestly if people used the roundabout properly it would t be an issue.

The standard of driving in general is dire.  I have not log done a few weeks on crutches and had to get lifts from people I wouldn’t normally be in a car with - bloody hell!!  

I reckon 90 percent of drivers would t pass a test if they took one tomorrow. We can’t just blame everything on the roads.  They need to address basics like road markings, but QB is just bad drivers

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29 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Honestly if people used the roundabout properly it would t be an issue.

The standard of driving in general is dire.  I have not log done a few weeks on crutches and had to get lifts from people I wouldn’t normally be in a car with - bloody hell!!  

I reckon 90 percent of drivers would t pass a test if they took one tomorrow. We can’t just blame everything on the roads.  They need to address basics like road markings, but QB is just bad drivers

Agree the standard of driving generally isn't good but that also isn't helped by cars coming through from Peel and almost treating it as a not give way and a straight road. And travelling far to fast. Hence the hesitant nature of many if coming down quarter bridge road and around to Castletown road or Braddan . . 

Edited by Numbnuts
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Horse tram should have been placed at the side from the start, so it can run without blocking traffic, without requiring passengers to cross traffic, and without subjecting passengers, staff and horses to car emissions all day. For some strange reason such a simple, logical step was brushed aside in favour of this strange solution we got now. 

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

There were plans to do all this at QB in the mid-noughties, it was "shelved" when the VAT cut was imposed. The project was going to take 3+ years and involve the construction of a huge single roundabout, from memory.

It's a bit odd that it was never resurrected, when the finances stabilised they went into Peel Rd and then the Promenade instead.

Flyovers and all sorts wasn't it?

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24 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Honestly if people used the roundabout properly it would t be an issue.

Trouble is @Ramseyboi that ain't ever going to change

If there was a nice big speed bump on the peel side entrance to roundabout 2 it would help a lot. But that ain't ever going to happen either until the silly motorbike race is stopped.

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

Anybody that suffers from road rage is not only a twat but a shit driver. This is a fact

Agreed.  In theory no one should ever have to stop at QB or Braddan bridge unless their exit is blocked.

In practice some idiot would plough into you shouting “give way to the right!!!!” 

That is why traffic backs up.  Because tools think if their right is clear they can just carry on at their normal speed.

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11 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Trouble is @Ramseyboi that ain't ever going to change

If there was a nice big speed bump on the peel side entrance to roundabout 2 it would help a lot. But that ain't ever going to happen either until the silly motorbike race is stopped.

Speed bumps on the entrance to every roundabout would be ideal.  Something that slows you to 5mph.

Or just bang a camera up and impose a very strict 10mph limit.

Or put remote controlled machine guns in.  That would soon fix it.

Or a massive trap door that opens up and dumps anyone speeding to a slow and painful death where in the pit they can only survive on any snacks in the cars of their fellow pit dwelling idiots.

Or, the police of government could just do a proper media campaign to teach the “give way to the right” whoppers how to drive, backed up with compulsory five year retests 

Edited by Ramseyboi
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2 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Speed bumps on the entrance to every roundabout would be ideal.  Something that slows you to 5mph.

Or just bang a camera up and impose a very strict 10mph limit.

Or put remote controlled machine guns in.  That would soon fix it.

Or a massive trap door that opens up and dumps anyone speeding to a slow and painful death where in the pit they can only shrivel on any snacks in the cars of their fellow pit dwelling idiots.

Or, the police of government could just do a proper media campaign to teach the “give way to the right” whoppers how to drive, backed up with compulsory five year retests 

Or all of those things, with the last one being a last resort in the unlikely event that the others fail😅

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