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Promenade - Megathread


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11 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

Went for my jab today and spent a few minutes looking at the roundels . Seems to me it's the biggest bullies who get right of way. Noticed a couple who seemed to be going at over 30 mph who just barreled across causing other vehicles to back off even though they were going steady.

I still ask the question why create something that is not needed and is a lot worse than what existed before.

It means the highly skilled crayonistas have another problem of their own creation that  needs to be solved. 

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You usually find that new roundabouts or unusual junctions are designed and built to solve particular problems of traffic flow in high volume traffic areas. 

It is rare to find such a ridiculous solution as we have here to replace a perfectly standard "T" junction that was a safe and easy to navigate  feature. When you look at road designs in other towns in UK and wider afield you wonder how and why we felt that this was a good idea. There are still months /years to totally complete this project and I'm sure the 24 million or so pounds budget will be well overspent. 

What a farce this is turning out to be. 

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13 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

Went for my jab today and spent a few minutes looking at the roundels . Seems to me it's the biggest bullies who get right of way. Noticed a couple who seemed to be going at over 30 mph who just barreled across causing other vehicles to back off even though they were going steady.

I still ask the question why create something that is not needed and is a lot worse than what existed before.


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18 hours ago, Zarley said:

I also know several people who now avoid driving on the prom. In every case, it's because they don't trust other drivers to drive safely through these new marked-but-unmarked-and-everyone-has-their-own-interpretation junctions. 

I do too and it's not even finished yet. In the height of summer with lunch time traffic, ferry loads joining them and lunch time pedestrians (never mind TT) interfacing at what may well be 8 or 9 unmarked crossings and 2 or 3 actual zebra's and 1 pelican crossing.

One problem that they should have looked to solve but haven't was the lack of refuges in the centre of the road. Even if the trams were an excuse you could have put semi-temporary ones down for the off season. That would immediately create both a visual clue and not leave you stood in quite a vulnerable place once you step onto a crossing like road marking.

If I'd been there at the start of the project I would have pressed for a pedestrain underpass off of regent street and one at the villa. Assuming the iris project and numerous other obstacles could be overcome. And bin off the tram tracks to the walk way and down to one track.

Now we've lost a lot of capcity on the road with single lanes in either direction (like in front of the villa gardens/war memorial) which will create bottlenecks in future.

Final thought, wonder if the DoI or Corpy would put up a public CCTV camera on the roundels (like harbours and mountain road) I'm sure it'd be entertaining.


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Have received what says it is "the last" MyPom Newsletter.

"With the project finally approaching completion, we have decided to make this our last newsletter."

"The horse tram track is still to be completed, however this work will not interfere with traffic flow or parking." This clearly only relates to the track as far as the War Memorial. When(??) they start on the section to the Sea Terminal, you can be sure that they will want to spread out over the roadway.

Surely they're having a larf. 

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2 hours ago, monasqueen said:

Have received what says it is "the last" MyPom Newsletter.

"With the project finally approaching completion, we have decided to make this our last newsletter."

"The horse tram track is still to be completed, however this work will not interfere with traffic flow or parking." This clearly only relates to the track as far as the War Memorial. When(??) they start on the section to the Sea Terminal, you can be sure that they will want to spread out over the roadway.

Surely they're having a larf. 

We are going to be posting on this thread for years I'd say. The gift that keeps giving !! Unless TC gets really stuck in and shakes out the many usless staff at DOI very quickly. 

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5 hours ago, Zarley said:

Webcams - excellent idea!

Dashcam's even better, front and back. Insurance companies love them. The prom, and other issues on top of the poor standard of local drivers pushed me to install them. £70, broadcast quality loop-recording video, can resolve many a dispute if blame is to be laid.

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My first trip onto the prom today. I came down Church Road Marina to turn left. I had to wait for the northbound traffic to come through off Loch Prom as they weren't interested in slowing down, particularly as nothing was coming South on Harris Prom. They just charged through as if they had right of way and I had to wait for my own safety. There might as well have been give way markings for me.

On a slightly different tack, if they are unmarked junctions why are there all these markings on the road if they have no meaning?

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Dashcam's even better, front and back. Insurance companies love them. The prom, and other issues on top of the poor standard of local drivers pushed me to install them. £70, broadcast quality loop-recording video, can resolve many a dispute if blame is to be laid.

For GDPR purposes. Don't you have to inform all the drivers on the Isle that you might be filming them. 

I'm kidding, but it will come. I think they are banned in Portugal now.😭 

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