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4 minutes ago, alpha-acid said:

Yes and what point are you making, hybrids can use the EV charging points, others suggested they were not needed, if you have a hybrid and you have let the petrol get low then definitely needed.

I was meaning you're not totally stuffed if you are unable to plug it in.

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52 minutes ago, alpha-acid said:

No its not some hybrids only have a range of about 25 miles and in winter if you switch the heating on this can drop to about 10 miles very quickly

Sound like that movie The Martian where Matt Damon freezes his bollocks off so his car doesn't run out of power. 

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5 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

I don’t get EV charging spaces in Douglas anyway. Even if you live in Ramsey it’s only 15 miles to get home. Who is that stupid they they’d drive to Douglas with not enough juice to get home with? It’s just pandering to the climate virtue-signaling and taking already scarce parking spaces out. Why can’t people just charge their cars at home? It’s not like they’re covering any great distance at all here when you have a range of 200 miles or more. 

The last time I was on the island my wife and I borrowed my brother's spare beemer.  We were over for five days and drove everywhere - but only totalled less than 150 miles.  When we checked the mileage at the end of the week we couldn't believe we'd been everywhere - twice - and had covered such few miles.  Here, we could do 150 miles a week just going to a pub.

Nobody drives any distance on the Isle of Man!

(Although didn't Dilli claim to have accumulated enough mileage as a HGV driver to get to the moon and back?)

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56 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

How legal is it to put a cable across a pavement even if covered and illuminated what about blind people ?   And in daytime if anyone trips over it they would be liable…very dodgy.

They do not go across the pavement

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5 hours ago, VikingRaider said:

Not everyone has a drive and you can hardly leave a cable across the pavement can you ?


5 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Not everyone can charge at home (yet). I know a number of people who rely on public chargers. 

Then why would anyone in that situation buy an electric vehicle?  Where I live people with EVs get chargers installed at their homes.  Charging at home is one of the main selling points of an EV, isn't it?  (None of the people I know who have one give a monkeys about the environment.  They just want to bask in the virtue... )

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

Oh it's even worse than that!  Apparently there are people with petrol and diesel cars who don't have their own filling station.  Can you imagine? 

But at a filling station you drive in, fill up, pay and drive off.

You don't drive in, fill up, pay and then stay parked at the pump for the rest of the day stopping other people from using it. 

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13 hours ago, kevster said:

I know a couple who have two EVs and only have on street parking (admittedly in a quiet cul de sac) and this was something I raised with them. They have a home charger and the cable goes across the pavement in some trunking and has sensors that illuminate it at night if people approach it. 

Liability in respect of materials left on highways etc
If any person makes any excavation in a highway, or causes any heap of materials or any other object to be laid on a highway, he shall, if he allows it to remain there at night to the danger of traffic without taking all reasonable precautions for the prevention of accidents, be guilty of an offence.

Removal of obstructions
Any person who without lawful authority — (1)
(a) erects any building, wall, fence, post or other structure in a highway;
(b) plants a tree, shrub or hedge in a highway, or within 4.5 metres of the centre of a carriageway;
(c) sets up any structure (including a structure on wheels), booth, stall, stand, machine or other object capable of causing an obstruction; or
(d) deposits or suffers to be deposited in a highway any materials or rubbish, or anything causing or likely to cause an obstruction or nuisance or an injury, danger or interruption to any person using the highway;
shall be guilty of an offence.

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Was down on the Prom yesterday.

Outside Quids Inn there are 4 EV spaces. One had a Porsche Macan charging up. One was free. 1 had a non EV suzuki in it and one had a renault traffic van in it. They were still there 2 hours later.

I think folks know that there are no (perhaps)  parking controllers on a Sunday.

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8 hours ago, Ghost Ship said:

But at a filling station you drive in, fill up, pay and drive off.

You don't drive in, fill up, pay and then stay parked at the pump for the rest of the day stopping other people from using it. 

Neither will EVs in future. We don’t have a rapid charger network here yet, and it will be some time until we get one. Slowly more rapid chargers are being added (next ones at new Starbucks and KFC, then hopefully shoprite car parks and other locations)  but it takes time. If I use the 50kw one at the sea terminal, I can add 30 miles range in the time it takes to get an overpriced coffee from Costa. 

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Amadeus, what do you think of the proposed car tax based on vehicle weighting which will include electric cars?  I believe some of the leaf type cars are actually lighter than the equivalent petrol version.

Eventually the loss of car tax income and vat on fuel will have to be recouped somewhere.  

I should add I am pro electric car but can't let go of the internal combustion engine just yet ☺️

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Liability in respect of materials left on highways etc
If any person makes any excavation in a highway, or causes any heap of materials or any other object to be laid on a highway, he shall, if he allows it to remain there at night to the danger of traffic without taking all reasonable precautions for the prevention of accidents, be guilty of an offence.

Removal of obstructions
Any person who without lawful authority — (1)
(a) erects any building, wall, fence, post or other structure in a highway;
(b) plants a tree, shrub or hedge in a highway, or within 4.5 metres of the centre of a carriageway;
(c) sets up any structure (including a structure on wheels), booth, stall, stand, machine or other object capable of causing an obstruction; or
(d) deposits or suffers to be deposited in a highway any materials or rubbish, or anything causing or likely to cause an obstruction or nuisance or an injury, danger or interruption to any person using the highway;
shall be guilty of an offence.

This isn't a case of just a cable going across the pavement - it was installed by a legit Installer for  EV home chargers, so I'm sure they know what they're doing.

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21 minutes ago, kevster said:

This isn't a case of just a cable going across the pavement - it was installed by a legit Installer for  EV home chargers, so I'm sure they know what they're doing.

You have me confused. I was saying you can't just lay a wire across the footpath. Regardless of how many lights it has on it

Sure if you get permission to excavate the footpath from the DOI and have a cable professionally installed then that's a different ball game altogether. You would also need permission/planning for the charging post etc.

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