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Promenade - Megathread


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50 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

@Ghost Ship This is the crossing though - The Minecraft one


Not that either.  But that's a new one on me - I don't think I've seen that one before.

Thanks for looking everybody.  I'm thinking I must have made it up.  (Let's face it - you could probably make anything up about the prom at the moment!)

I'll have another look later - but if I can't find it, I can't find it.


Thanks again

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Right.  I'm not wasting any more time on this.  Life's too short and my eyes are reeling from skimming over too many pages too quickly.  Thanks again to everybody who has looked

I'm going to go back and use the second of the two photos in the first post I found yesterday - which is close enough to what I recall for my purposes.  Thanks @slinkydevil and @Amadeus:

[Edit:  I mean, what exactly is the purpose of those two irregular patches of coloured asphalt in the bottom photo?  WHY??? ]

On 11/6/2021 at 4:17 PM, slinkydevil said:

The new multicoloured tarmac on the pavements. I give it 6 months before it looks stained and a bit more crappy.

How many different designs can they throw at this promenade? Nothing makes sense.

*Images stolen from Amadeus.




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4 hours ago, Len Trench said:

There’s a temporary bus stop next to the shelter on the prom outside the Gaiety and it’s rusty base has stained the new walkway. Looks awful but so’s the rest of the prom.

the grids and drain covers are going the same way , poor quality and not suitable for a marine environment ,  they will never be away from the place ,blocked drains , poor finishes ,  and  no non ferrous metals  or traditional cast Iron which does not rust , add that to the  unsightly tarmac  repairs   uneven surfaces and subsidence in the promenade walkway  there is a few bob to be spent yet , 

I can believe how they have got away with loosing so many car parking spaces  and narrowing the carriageway  down to such an extent , that the traffic from Broadway north will be brought to  a crawl and it will be almost impossible to pass vehicles making deliveries ,    Cycles   or the horse trams if they ever operate again ,

Come  on Mr Crookall  were waiting to see what you are doing about it and who is responsible for this waste of money ,


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In recent days you have all been preoccupied with looking for meaningful colour patterns on the prom., and may have missed the latest announcement:
"Many will have noticed the coned off area along the red concrete at the bottom of Summer Hill.  The contractor has proposed a solution to repair the cracking concrete.  This area will be used to test and review the quality of the repair."

I wonder how many attempts (ignoring the already completed repair attempts) it will take to get it right. But for me, a solution that does not require test-and-review would be a sensible option.

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

In recent days you have all been preoccupied with looking for meaningful colour patterns on the prom., and may have missed the latest announcement:
"Many will have noticed the coned off area along the red concrete at the bottom of Summer Hill.  The contractor has proposed a solution to repair the cracking concrete.  This area will be used to test and review the quality of the repair."

I wonder how many attempts (ignoring the already completed repair attempts) it will take to get it right. But for me, a solution that does not require test-and-review would be a sensible option.

It can't be repaired. It's cracked all the way through and water/salt has got in. The only way to 'fix it' is breaking it all out and either re-doing it with the rubber compound around the rails (like should have been done originally) or tarmac it. 

ETA: not sure how they're planning to test it as the concrete will need to pass through the summer peak temperatures and winter freezing periods to see if it's working. 

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

The fixation on the already loss making horse trams is going to cost us about £5M by the time this farce is finished.

There are posts a little earlier in this thread that point out that a significant part of the problem is the desire of Longworth et al to ultimately run a light railway system from The Terminus to the War Memorial - just to run the horse tram would have been cheaper.

[A little while ago I made a FoI request that was replied to in 3 days - that was impressive. Three weeks ago I made a request for the design brief that BSA was working to - no answer yet - maybe it fell down the back of a filing cabinet]

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7 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

The problem isn’t the horse trams, I would say it’s lack of imagination of governments before. The horse trams don’t go to anywhere. You can start from the sea terminal and go the full length of the prom and get off and think now what ? You’ve got a pub or a chippy. The amount the promenade cost, you would think there would be somewhere to go. All that’s there for kids is symbols of toys and games on or next to a busy road what with the magic roundels and mind craft etc. how much does it cost for the fun fair to come over ever TT? I’m sure they could put in a permanent fixture in place instead with a tea rooms and some decent night life. When you think how much they spent on flumes 4.2 mil. It seems a waste.

Even if there was somewhere to go like a fun fair at Summerland, people wouldn't use the horse trams. They would use the bus like normal people do. 


The horse trams aren't public transport and as we move to a more enlightened society people won't be comfortable with a horse dragging a cart loaded with ~40 overweight tourists on it, along one or the island's busiest roads. 

A bit like the TT it's a miracle there hasn't been a major incident with a horse breaking loose under stress. 

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