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Promenade - Megathread


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So which DoI Minister are you?

Just joking! Traditions are fine when we had a traditional tourist industry with trillions of tourists but we don't and we never will.

Would you put a horse track down the M1 because there used to be horse drawn wagons there in 1387???

Times change, we have to move on and provide for the needs of todays' society.

Edited by Kopek
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Horses do not drag trams they push into the bridles like the dray horses and the horses who were used with a plough.   The only time they use energy is to start the tram then the tram runs on the lines without much effort.   The horse trams are great and much more appealing to the tourists and locals than a knackered flume and add a bit of colour to a boring and third rate promenade.

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3 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Horses do not drag trams they push into the bridles like the dray horses and the horses who were used with a plough.   The only time they use energy is to start the tram then the tram runs on the lines without much effort.   The horse trams are great and much more appealing to the tourists and locals than a knackered flume and add a bit of colour to a boring and third rate promenade.

well its a fourth rate promenade now ,  with  significant on going maintenance and drainage problems , !


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Went to the Villa last night and had a pre-show drink in the Sefton.  That area is quite nice and I am sure when summer comes along it will be brightened with attractive planting and the cultural vibe. But the practicality of delivering visitors to the Sefton must be a challenge as there is no longer a road directly outside.  Perhaps it is OK for visitors to be deposited on the main prom and then carry their cases to one of the premier (?) hotels on the island. 

The other real gripe is the patchwork of paving.  It kind of works outside the Sefton, but when you look along the colonnade, it looks mismatched and disharmonious, if that is a word, with the old paving.  Replacing the old colonnade paving with similar on the prom walkway would bring the whole thing together.  It may be planned for later but it just doesn't look like it is a whole, if you get what I mean.

It's a shame because this area was to be a major feature of the works, but it looks like someone has put a Georgian portico on their 1990's new build.

FWIW, the old square paving in the colonnade is much more attractive than the disjointed new paving outside it. 

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11 hours ago, 0bserver said:

A enlightened society wouldn't let a horse drag a cart with 40 overweight tourists along a main road. 

the chances of the annual tourist count all being on island at the same time and then  on the same horse tram are nil.

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