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Promenade - Megathread


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Be interesting to see what legal basis, and local amendments have been promulgated for all these design features in the event of tickets being issued !

Probably a bit like the double yellow lines on Market Street were some years ago ..... none and unenforceable !

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1 hour ago, asitis said:

Be interesting to see what legal basis, and local amendments have been promulgated for all these design features in the event of tickets being issued !

Probably a bit like the double yellow lines on Market Street were some years ago ..... none and unenforceable !

Ha Ha. I have said many times on here. Double yellow lines on the Island are merely a rough indication of where you might or might not want to park. Rarely enforced and mostly ignored. Waste of paint in most cases. 

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

Safety review was apparently done last week and that's why they've suddenly coned/signed the boulders on Loch Prom and the Broadway Roundels.

Perhaps this is relevant:


Search for "Douglas Promenade Safety Audits"

There have already been two audits, the second published July 2021, and from this document:

"3.2.4 Problem 3.10
Location: Central Promenade, east of Broadway junction.
Summary: Unclear crossing provision and feature (believed to be sculpture) could mask
pedestrians on crossing increasing risk of collision."

Ensure features do not restrict intervisibility and provide pedestrian refuge feature with kerb
upstands and keep left bollards"

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On 4/6/2022 at 6:59 PM, Non-Believer said:

They seem to have given up there today. They've chiselled out a square section of one of the blue panels leaving a square in the traffic lane about 2ft x 2ft that's about an inch deeper than the surrounding road surface. No warning signs to warn of this change left in place.

The lane is coned off and closed again this afternoon whilst the blue panels are added to by new, darker shade of blue areas now.

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24 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Well if so its up with the one way only cycle lane in Ramsey and elsewear. Nuts. Why just why !!??? . 

It's all about "inclusion".... 😂

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

It's all about "inclusion".... 😂

No it's about not understanding what cyclists need. I dont get it either. I dont get any of them. Maybe there is a plan and we are just not seeing it. 

The best cycle lane in the one that runs on the footpath on cooil road just past jacksons as you head upwards. There is a marked cycle lane on the path that ends......when then path ends at Robinsons. There isn't even a dropped kerb to get back on the road.Just about 50m of cycle lane that goes.....nowhere!

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8 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Perhaps this is relevant:


Search for "Douglas Promenade Safety Audits"

There have already been two audits, the second published July 2021, and from this document:

"3.2.4 Problem 3.10
Location: Central Promenade, east of Broadway junction.
Summary: Unclear crossing provision and feature (believed to be sculpture) could mask
pedestrians on crossing increasing risk of collision."

Ensure features do not restrict intervisibility and provide pedestrian refuge feature with kerb
upstands and keep left bollards"

Interesting as they have got Keep Left signs there now. 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Looks like garden walls aren’t going to be repaired for summer 


in all of my lifetime   there has been some damage done to the walls in the sunken gardens , following severe inshore gales ,it does not happen every winter , but to delay  any work or not plant out the gardens for the summer  seems to be a strange decision , the situation  is not going to improve ,and when you reclaim land from the sea as you have  done by extending the sea wall  seaward , there are times when  waves will wash over and cause damage ,   I think you just have to live with it and hope we don't get any NE gales for a few more years , very difficult to control nature ,and the cost or maintaining the gardens  and the pleasure they bring to the public should be factored in to the  overall cost  of for example a rolled over annual  repairs sinking fund  could be established , and drawn down if there is future damage caused by severe  weather 

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