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Promenade - Megathread


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20 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Maybe he's just setting himself up for a big TARAAAA! They're running!


Did he offer an opinion on whether two cars can pass side by side on Pulrose Bridge???

I thought the new wide lane was for mobility scooter drag racing...

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39 minutes ago, Banker said:

Longworth has been to the horse trams what Reynolds has been to the airport. The parallels are quite distinct, huge amounts spent for a totally dysfunctional result.

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So can anyone answer me how they only got around to order the points in January despite having had over three years to get around to realising they needed them. Totally incompetent DOI again backed up by numpty Longworth has totally failed the tax payers of the IOM.  This points business has been ongoing between Longworth and the rail inspector for years.  

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The horse trams should have run along the walkway as per original plan until some idiot dug up an ancient law which was used to prevent this, it is only for a few months each summer ffs.   The horses are given a lot of their food from Busheys, a bye product of their brewing process.     The tracks were fine before the refurbishment, I use this word very lightly, of the promenade which has been disastrous from day one.    I don’t see why the people who love the trams should suffer because some halfwits cannot design or carry out a make over of the promenade.

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10 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

So can anyone answer me how they only got around to order the points in January despite having had over three years to get around to realising they needed them. Totally incompetent DOI again backed up by numpty Longworth has totally failed the tax payers of the IOM.  This points business has been ongoing between Longworth and the rail inspector for years.  

In a word. Incompetence.

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The layout/ implementation of the horse tram points was a problem from day one of the design of the prom.

Read the Strategic Board Minutes and you will see it has been discussed from 2019.

Often noted as to be discussed after the meeting or later on in the meeting when it never was. 

Link to the minutes here,


When you have a half hour free, read the lot, it's better than Monty Python.........................

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Looking at the drawings there are actually three sets of points needed withing this little clusterfuck. 

Just about sums up the needless complexity attached to everything on the prom. 

You would think all they need to do it take a screenshot of the points by the Sea Terminal from Google Street View and copy them. 

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13 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Looking at the drawings there are actually three sets of points needed withing this little clusterfuck. 

Just about sums up the needless complexity attached to everything on the prom. 

You would think all they need to do it take a screenshot of the points by the Sea Terminal from Google Street View and copy them. 

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The drawings don't appear to resemble what they're actually building. 

If they terminate the horse trams at Broadway they just need one set of points. Job done. Money saved.

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

The drawings don't appear to resemble what they're actually building.

This has been the case at a number of occasions during the project though, from rail layout to walls built in the wrong places and having to be demolished.

It can almost certainly be laid at the door of the Beaman's findings of the DOI having no experience of managing a project of this size.

Plus a collection of egotistical dicks involved with it.

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55 minutes ago, english zloty said:

Without any degree of expertise, I assume it is possible in theory to lift out the points (temporarily) and connect track to track, then tarmac around the junction for TT week? Thereby allowing trams to run end to end on at least one track 🤔

I assume you've already submitted an eye watering consultants invoice?

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8 hours ago, hissingsid said:

 I don’t see why the people who love the trams should suffer because some halfwits cannot design or carry out a make over of the promenade.

I don’t see why the businesses and residents on the prom, the road users and commuters in Douglas and the taxpayers who fund the whole bloody fiasco should suffer because some halfwits love trams. 

Edited by Itsmeee
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1 minute ago, NoTail said:

I would just like to hear a sitting MHK admit that the whole project is bollocks. A mess from start to where we are. When it's finished in 2 or 3 years it will still look crap.

I am afraid too many in there have the emperors cloths syndrome , the whole prom layout  will never work , much too narrow in places and in others so much wasted open space , that has led to so many lost parking places that will  begin to adversely  effect the economic viability of the town , 

plus the fact that the design and materials  will not function in a harsh marine environment ,and the workforce will be constantly clearing out blocked box drains ,

we have finished up with  a major government lash up that  someone should be held responsible for and made  Tynwald a laughing stock !  


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2 hours ago, english zloty said:

Without any degree of expertise, I assume it is possible in theory to lift out the points (temporarily) and connect track to track, then tarmac around the junction for TT week? Thereby allowing trams to run end to end on at least one track 🤔

Why would you want to run them in TT week? There's a perfectly good bus service every 15 minutes along the Prom. 

It's amazing nothing serious has happened. I've seen a horse bolt in TT traffic on the prom and the two staff had to calm it down.

People don't like to admit it but it is a form of animal cruelty and it's a serious accident waiting to happen  when one of those horses breaks loose in heavy traffic. They're not little ponies either, I'm told they weigh upto a ton each. 

Edited by 0bserver
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