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Promenade - Megathread


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4 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

I had a drive through yesterday. The elevation of the centre does seem awfully high. I take it there won’t be any parking on the landward side of the road in future in the double track sector? The space to pass between a parked car and a tram seems very tight.

I also noticed that the pink dye in the concrete at the sea terminal end seems to be a bit washed out.

I am sure it will all be fine in the end though - they’ve got this!

I thought this too, it definitely seems that the tracks are further apart? I really don't understand why we have gone for the double tracks after the single at Harris Prom? A bit of a bugger's muddle all round I'm afraid.

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It seems pretty obvious what the problem with the concrete is.

If you pour a big concrete slab and then have large plant smashing out the road right next to it no matter how much reinforcement you stick in it it is going to move. I'd have thought they'd have wanted to do the concreting once everything was stable, but I'm not a civil engineer, just someone who pours concrete slabs sometimes.

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2 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Anyone else pick up on this report that penalty clauses have been removed on this contract. That could really come back to haunt DOI if anything like suggested above kicks in ..re levels etc 

A couple of people have said this about penalty clauses, but I've not seen it in writing anywhere yet.  According to the Tynwald report, Harmer said in July:


Correct me if I am wrong – I believe it is £3,000 per day for penalty and £2,500 as a bonus if it is completed ahead of schedule.

But that might well have been quietly dropped since.  Of course the job is probably so badly specified and likely to be altered that enforcing penalties might be difficult.

(Not doubting you - Lord knows I wish I could).

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18 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

It seems pretty obvious what the problem with the concrete is.

If you pour a big concrete slab and then have large plant smashing out the road right next to it no matter how much reinforcement you stick in it it is going to move. I'd have thought they'd have wanted to do the concreting once everything was stable, but I'm not a civil engineer, just someone who pours concrete slabs sometimes.

there's the problem Teapot, you have the capacity for thought - they don't...

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31 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Maybe because either the original specification was wrong or DOI changed what was wanted?

Or it's been recognised that the scale and reality of the project is far in excess of the original estimates and assessments. Which lots said it would be.

So we may now be stuck with an open-ended job and the necessary financial drains to see it through to completion.

DOI heaven.

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31 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Or it's been recognised that the scale and reality of the project is far in excess of the original estimates and assessments. Which lots said it would be.

So we may now be stuck with an open-ended job and the necessary financial drains to see it through to completion.

DOI heaven.

Could we hope that one of our elected crowd ask the necessary embarrassing questions and stick with it rather than accept the first load of shite to come out of Harmer's mouth?

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26 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Could we hope that one of our elected crowd ask the necessary embarrassing questions and stick with it rather than accept the first load of shite to come out of Harmer's mouth?

I believe this happened in a big way 2 weeks ago . The latest plan with timetable and dates was thrown out by Tnwald and the DOI was told to sort it out once and for all . Will they listen or have they the capability mmm don't think so    

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22 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Anyone else pick up on this report that penalty clauses have been removed on this contract. That could really come back to haunt DOI if anything like suggested above kicks in ..re levels etc I agree they have never looked right as the build up has progressed but what do the general public know ....mmmm increasingly it seems more than the powers that be it would seem..scary really . Maybe as a stakeholder .ie tax payer it's clear why that's  the case and as DOI and staff at the top etc never seem accountable they just don't care 

The DOI has an “institutional stubbornness”. Some relatively major civil engineering was carried out between the highway and my house. Despite cheaper and less intrusive options, the Dept decided to go with a very grand scheme, which I was cool enough with. 

Once the installation started, it was clear their levels were around a meter too low. I pointed it out, contractors did the same. “No! The plan says this is right!” Was the response.

Result - installation around a metre too low. Many more thousands to rectify, and a delay of around nine months when my house was surrounded by Heras fencing and had a digger parked in my garden. It was unpleasant, soured relationships, and I am convinced that it led to the ‘fuck you’ approach that transpired over subsequent transactions concerning business development.

its a real pity. There are some good people in the DOI. Practical types who can see the real picture but can do little about it. That’s pretty much it with contractors too. Rail against them and don’t expect any more work. 



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I had to check that link wasn't a satirical news site! 


That actually completely takes the piss. The whole scheme is somewhere between 20 and 25 weeks behind at present, and seemingly continues to fall further and further behind with each passing week. 

There are promenade businesses that are on the verge of collapse. Promenade businesses that pay thousands of pounds each year in extortionate rates to Douglas Borough Council and provide jobs to people, Businesses that have had their trade decimated by the fuckwits running the scheme and who seemingly don't care about the impact of their work.  There are local residents that have had to put up with a recreation of the internment camp all along Queens Promenade all summer while these people blunder along, seemingly not knowing their arse from their elbow.

Meanwhile a glorified fairground attraction that is being propped up to the tune of £600k+ each year has all the stops pulled out so it can come out and shit all over the Promenade for one final weekend this year. Maybe it's just so they can round up the losses? 

Chris Robertshaw was spot on when he said they must not be allowed to run until the whole scheme is finished - I hope he holds DOI to account. 

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