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Promenade - Megathread


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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

That is staggering. Truly staggering!

Equally staggering are the following considerations;

All but the latest of the weak, gullible politicians with political oversight for this project have departed, either moved within Govt. or been sacked by the electorate. NO accountability.

At least two of the public servants mainly responsible for this project have now departed the scene. NO accountability.

In fact, the only accountability for any of this is going to be the financial, left with the taxpayers, as per usual. To include sorting the mess out to an acceptable, viable standard, whatever the end result.


Edited by Non-Believer
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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Then the biggest collection of muppets and bellends ever assembled under one Public Sector roof got involved in a hugely expensive (to the taxpayers) job justification and ego massaging process.

Today my friend you have won the internet. 

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Interesting piece of information in a Manx Radio piece:

Douglas South member Sarah Maltby will ask what risk assessments have been carried out in relation to signs on the route when the House of Keys sits next week.

She's raising the issue after she learnt a visitor had been injured when his bicycle wheel got stuck in the rails.

The solution is stupid, because even more signs will just make the place yet more confusing and signs aren't very effective at warning against a continuous hazard (how many do you put up and where?).  But this is yet another disaster, predicted by many, that derives from Longworth's completely unauthorised fantasy of running electric trams along the Prom.

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6 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Interesting piece of information in a Manx Radio piece:

Douglas South member Sarah Maltby will ask what risk assessments have been carried out in relation to signs on the route when the House of Keys sits next week.

She's raising the issue after she learnt a visitor had been injured when his bicycle wheel got stuck in the rails.

The DOI are obsessed with signs anyway. They’ll love this excuse to put even more up ruining the look. But what didn’t the cyclist see given the road even changes colour where the rails are and what sort of sign is appropriate if a cyclist failed to notice the road completely changed colour from black to bright red immediately where the tram tracks were?


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I think we have to accept that the horse trams (love or loathe them) as we knew them are now lost forever and will take further massive taxpayer investment if what was even promised to start with is going to be remotely realised.

It would be interesting to hear now the opinions of those who were adamant that they should be retained at the time of the redevelopment proposals and what their take now is on what was a visitor attraction that had to be retained at all costs?

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This has always been a consideration for cyclists, a friend of mine got her wheel stuck in the tram lines years ago and took a nasty tumble, I think most if not all local cyclists are aware of this and keep clear of the tracks.   It is a shame a visitor was unaware and I hope they were not badly hurt.   I don’t think a sign would be useful unfortunately.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

I think we have to accept that the horse trams (love or loathe them) as we knew them are now lost forever and will take further massive taxpayer investment if what was even promised to start with is going to be remotely realised.

It would be interesting to hear now the opinions of those who were adamant that they should be retained at the time of the redevelopment proposals and what their take now is on what was a visitor attraction that had to be retained at all costs?

I love the horse trams so much that I think we should gift the entire thing, horse shit and all, to Longworth as his retirement present. 

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48 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

It is a shame a visitor was unaware and I hope they were not badly hurt.   I don’t think a sign would be useful unfortunately.

I don't think that signs would help as the lycra clad Cavendish wannabes always seem to ride with their heads down

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10 hours ago, hissingsid said:

The horse trams should definately be kept.

You've already effectively lost them. They haven't run for 4+ years, no longer run the full course of the Promenade and what has been laid down for them is currently unfit for purpose and is having to go remedial work to make it fit (if ever). The only place they're going to be kept now without more huge financial intervention is a museum.

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11 hours ago, hissingsid said:

This has always been a consideration for cyclists, a friend of mine got her wheel stuck in the tram lines years ago and took a nasty tumble, I think most if not all local cyclists are aware of this and keep clear of the tracks.   It is a shame a visitor was unaware and I hope they were not badly hurt.   I don’t think a sign would be useful unfortunately.

A rail enforced unexpected dismount is pretty much a right of passage for IOM cyclists.  If not the rails on the prom, the crossings in Laxey can be particularly dicey. 

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