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Promenade - Megathread


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1 hour ago, Boris Johnson said:

True but who is putting £350k's worth of dozer on the beach for the rates that DBC or DOI think they can get away with paying?

I have it on good authority that the backhoe digger that used to be on the beach, all the time was getting about £22.50 an hour.

Go and buy a similar £50k machine, put a driver in it, pay him minimum wage, stick it in a very corrosive environment and see how that goes......

Same but worse with a big dozer.

Crab Attitude #


Government make sure JCK is never without work, Maybe now's the time for them to return a favour

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4 hours ago, Roxanne said:

And the health service and and and..

I do the Groudle road most days. For about eighteen months (started first lockdown) they had a huge workforce out every day lifting and replacing the railway lines. Cutting back all the trees, replacing the stones. A good eighteen months work with about 20 people each day. I like the trams - I wouldn't want them to go but it's ironic that we now have this spanking new tram system that runs for a few months of the year while at the same time, the Groudle road is a mass of pot holes, repairs, missing bits, raised tarmac, lines unpainted, and yet, how many millions has it cost to improve a service that doesn't serve the majority of the people who travel the road daily. It's a weird one.

I agree totally with everything you say. I too use the Groudle Road most days and I have ground my teeth down to stumps in rage about the millions of pounds that have been sounded on the rails etc there. And it’s not just in the last 18 months either. It seems to be every year. I try and drive in the middle of the ‘road’ to avoid breaking my spine and ruining my car! 

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6 hours ago, Roxanne said:

And the health service and and and..

I do the Groudle road most days. For about eighteen months (started first lockdown) they had a huge workforce out every day lifting and replacing the railway lines. Cutting back all the trees, replacing the stones. A good eighteen months work with about 20 people each day. I like the trams - I wouldn't want them to go but it's ironic that we now have this spanking new tram system that runs for a few months of the year while at the same time, the Groudle road is a mass of pot holes, repairs, missing bits, raised tarmac, lines unpainted, and yet, how many millions has it cost to improve a service that doesn't serve the majority of the people who travel the road daily. It's a weird one.

Yes can have either nice roads or nice rails. We don't have the money to do both. 

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The Groudle rd is a drivers road, if you want it to be, the surface is as good as we can expect and not any worse than has had been. What they have been doing on the rails, has not, in my experience made any difference to the driving experience!!!! If you want to test drive a performance car, that is the road to do so on, never mind what Kingswood tell you!!!

I don't see that the short sections of lights control have spoiled the fun of that road section???

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11 hours ago, Kopek said:

The Groudle rd is a drivers road, if you want it to be, the surface is as good as we can expect and not any worse than has had been.

It's OK if you are a driver who loves potholes.

Some of the potholes on the side away from the tramway have been there for as many years as I can remember. They get a bit of tarmac put into them occasionally, which gets pushed out by the underlying water course next time it rains. A touch of frost makes them even worse. Some of them get quite deep before the next bit of tarmac is thrown into them, so itsmeee is well advised to keep driving down the middle of the road!

The "report a pothole" website is so bad, it's a wonder if any potholes ever get reported anyway. Last time I tried to use it, the first thing it gave me was a map of Newcastle on Tyne!

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4 minutes ago, monasqueen said:


The "report a pothole" website is so bad, it's a wonder if any potholes ever get reported anyway. Last time I tried to use it, the first thing it gave me was a map of Newcastle on Tyne!

I wondered why the DOI  road staff were in Gateshead last week

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On 6/27/2022 at 9:15 PM, Roxanne said:

And, it is just me, but haven’t they been taking rails up and down and up and down and welded and rewelded? Jeez, they were on the same bit for nearly a year. I’m sure of it. I’m so glad you ‘get it’. I feel like I’ve met my sister. :)

No, sister, it’s not just you. Those rails have been up and down like a barmaid’s knickers. (I’m allowEd to say that cos I used to be a barmaid). 

  • Haha 3
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End of July for the horse trams to start operating apparently (doesn't state which year..)

Good progress has been made in recent weeks with the promenade horse tram tracks and the intention is still to operate services from the end of July.
The track and points at Castle Mona Avenue have been installed, commissioned and inspected successfully, and the full length of installed rail track has been checked for correct alignment, and tested.
Some planned work must still be undertaken prior to commencing passenger services, including the installation of improved signage and commissioning of traffic controls. Rail preparation and grinding works must also take place, and require specialist equipment, as well as a training regime for the horses, who are currently in excellent form.
All of these preparatory tasks are currently planned to be undertaken prior to the end of July. This is, however, a tight time scale and dependent on suitable weather, the performance of the horse team and the availability of staff and plant.
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6 minutes ago, manxchester said:

End of July for the horse trams to start operating apparently (doesn't state which year..)

Good progress has been made in recent weeks with the promenade horse tram tracks and the intention is still to operate services from the end of July.
The track and points at Castle Mona Avenue have been installed, commissioned and inspected successfully, and the full length of installed rail track has been checked for correct alignment, and tested.
Some planned work must still be undertaken prior to commencing passenger services, including the installation of improved signage and commissioning of traffic controls. Rail preparation and grinding works must also take place, and require specialist equipment, as well as a training regime for the horses, who are currently in excellent form.
All of these preparatory tasks are currently planned to be undertaken prior to the end of July. This is, however, a tight time scale and dependent on suitable weather, the performance of the horse team and the availability of staff and plant.

Beginning of September more like.

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