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Promenade - Megathread


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What did we call the 2/- coin? I know Florin officially but we didn't refer to it as that, did we? Two Bob coin? Two shillings?

Half a crown was used popularly.

Edited by Kopek
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17 minutes ago, Gladys said:

No, just a Victorian Manx pound coin. 

Sorry ma'am, I'm afraid that's the main problem the machine won't take the manx pound's. My department  tell me it will take a million pounds to fix the problem. However for free you can download an app. Solves everything. It's called Ding Go. You just ding the bell and go. Glad to have been of service ma'am. 

You will remember to vote for me won't you. 😁

Edited by emesde
Added a few words.
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2 hours ago, Kopek said:

What did we call the 2/- coin? I know Florin officially but we didn't refer to it as that, did we? Two Bob coin? Two shillings?

Half a crown was used popularly.

2d was tuppence

3d was a thruppeny bit

6d was a tanner

1s was a bob

2s was two bob

2/6 was arf a cran (usual pronunciation in my neck of the woods), but properly half a crown


Edited by kevster
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6 hours ago, kevster said:

2d was tuppence

3d was a thruppeny bit

6d was a tanner

1s was a bob

2s was two bob

2/6 was arf a cran (usual pronunciation in my neck of the woods), but properly half a crown.

And Guinea's, the value of which might fluctuate between 20 and 30 shillings, being linked to the trading price of gold at any particular time. It was also a subtle status symbol, in effect. 

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51 minutes ago, quilp said:

And Guinea's, the value of which might fluctuate between 20 and 30 shillings, being linked to the trading price of gold at any particular time. It was also a subtle status symbol, in effect. 

But only between 1663 and 1717 when Britain adopted the gold standard and fixed the Guinea at 21/- and the sovereign at 20/-

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I think that £1 for the trundle along part of the promenade ( and not even the bit you want to get to) would be wishful thinking. More like the cost of a small country's national debt. But not ours. The only people that can afford it will be MHK's and they will be presented with a golden ticket, that lasts their life and all their hiers for time evermore. Each ticket will be presented on a vermillion coloured velvet cushion and made of Welsh gold, to represent the royal connection. Ian Longass will be the one making the presentation, suitably grovelling on one knee shall make a small speech. Of which no one will remember a word, with it Being spoken in anorak gibberish.

I think you will be looking at £10 to board the time machine, but do not forget you can ride multiple times for the 7minutes 35 second ride with a good following wind from the horse.

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Are businesses and residents of Loch Promenade (and wider Douglas) prepared for another 12 months of massive disruption, noise, loss of parking and loss of business? That's on top of surviving thr pandemic, cost of living crisis, massive rise in the cost of running a business and a massive decline in the island's disposable income. 

Let's be honest the work would not be unobtrusive. It won't be done quickly and it will cost several more million that could be spent on a number of useful/essential things around the town (yes Douglas is a town) or other places on the island. 

My understanding is that planning permission expires in the very near future (after 4 years) and DOI will need to reapply, that's in addition to having to waste more valuable parliamentary time begging for the £3.5m to finish it. 

Anybody seriously considering supporting this idea needs their sanity examining. 


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8 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

Are businesses and residents of Loch Promenade (and wider Douglas) prepared for another 12 months of massive disruption, noise, loss of parking and loss of business? That's on top of surviving thr pandemic, cost of living crisis, massive rise in the cost of running a business and a massive decline in the island's disposable income. 

Let's be honest the work would not be unobtrusive. It won't be done quickly and it will cost several more million that could be spent on a number of useful/essential things around the town (yes Douglas is a town) or other places on the island. 

My understanding is that planning permission expires in the very near future (after 4 years) and DOI will need to reapply, that's in addition to having to waste more valuable parliamentary time begging for the £3.5m to finish it. 

Anybody seriously considering supporting this idea needs their sanity examining. 


Absolutely spot on. I would certainly not be in favour of spending another penny on the tramway - BUT - I really think it's high time a full independent public enquiry was launched into examining the whole Promenade Scheme debacle and how it was so poorly managed. In fact, stop. Poorly managed is being far too kind. It's been one utter and unmitigated fecking shambolic circus.

Yes, Nick Black has gone - but there really are more heads to roll, led by Jeff "planter" Robinson.

I also find it pretty disingenuous of Minister Monotone to be so almost apathetic about the fact he department have already been given the money to complete the whole tramway, but blew it on other stuff, with NO accountability.

What a shit show.






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The problem is that this project was costed at 21 million. They then got another 3 milion. Any reference in the press now  refers to the 25 million Promenade Project. No one seem to know (or more likely admit to) the current cost. I believe we are probably nearer 30 million and still another 5 million plus required to complete the original concept. 

And the walkway hasn't even been touched yet. 

Personally I wouldn't be upset if the required sums were taken from the Green budget and and at least get this one scheme completed and out the way. It is the Gateway to the island for visitors and its still an embarrassing eyesore. 

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the whole thing wants re visiting , the loss of space for parking  huge dead area opposite the Sefton  get rid of all the pollags that stick out into the road and serve no useful purpose , and the promenade walkway is an absolute disgrace , breaking up huge cracks, railings rusting away , I see the signs no parking on promenade pavement are still there from TT week lying against the wall of the Villa ,  nobody in DOI cares anymore, and when the winter comes you will need a torch to help you walk  as its so dark with the poor £1million  street lighting scheme , just about sums up the corporations input ! 

and if they don't replace the Groynes on the beach soon  the beach will be  so scoured all the sand will be  coming over the walkway and onto the road this winter ,

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Another twenty years of wild flowers and random grass at the side of the sunken gardens, to enhance the dilapidated state of the area. Imagine the poor Bee Gees having to reside in that shithole of an area, walls smashed, walkway like a patchwork quilt.

It's a true reflection of the governance of our island I suppose!


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