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Promenade - Megathread


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walked down Park road today the side that adjoins the old school site and one of the brown field sites scheduled    for  an impending  new  development  surprise surprise the DOI and digging out and replacing the curb edgings and relaying the footpath , surly this is not essential work  ?    there could be construction equipment and diggers  dropping whats left of the wall and digging footings on the site  quite soon  , talk about getting our priorities right , what a complete waste of  resources and money, and at the same time the roads filled with dangerous pot holes 

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3 hours ago, Omobono said:

walked down Park road today the side that adjoins the old school site and one of the brown field sites scheduled    for  an impending  new  development  surprise surprise the DOI and digging out and replacing the curb edgings and relaying the footpath , surly this is not essential work  ?    there could be construction equipment and diggers  dropping whats left of the wall and digging footings on the site  quite soon  , talk about getting our priorities right , what a complete waste of  resources and money, and at the same time the roads filled with dangerous pot holes 

A bit like the road works scheduled for the front at Port Erin. Sign said not to park for working starting Monday. Then Tuesday. Wednesday. And yes, you guessed it - Thursday. Disappeared on Friday. Think they were going to resurface a 20 metre stretch - ignoring all the potholes on either side of that stretch. But obviously not to be …

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The only void's were the ones between the ears of the persons who thought it was a great plan an a chance to make a portal to the island a thing of grandeur and beauty. Oh and the pricks who nodded through all the money who thought their name on a bit of granite proclaiming they were part of the team of this great achievement, is there a plaque (they are usually falling over each other to be recognised) was there even one planned to name the great and good who's fault for the shithole we have ended up with. Or was it decided nobody wanted to be associated with it so quietly forget about that idea. And if there was are we talking about £50,000 lump of granite gathering dust in a masons yard some where in the uk.

Edited by Dirty Buggane
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Hopefully PAC will be able to shed some light on what has happened during the course of this 10-odd years. Including why overt lies were dreamed up and fed to politicians and public alike as part of the justification, the "bus-swallowing" voids that were never found for instance.

It makes one wonder about the justification for all the other projects too, the RESA for instance. Clearly our politicians are not close enough to nor cynical enough to be questioning some of what they are belt-fed about these projects.

And how much of this is produced to support other Depts? For instance, with the Liverpool Terminal costs and concerns rising and rising, I'd bet that the DOI were absolutely creaming themselves when the DfE announced that there'll be 500k visitors a year arriving in 10 years time who will need a Rolls Royce facility to be shepherded through. More justification for our "sunk costs" in Liverpool.

Mutual support indeed.

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39 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Hopefully PAC will be able to shed some light on what has happened during the course of this 10-odd years. Including why overt lies were dreamed up and fed to politicians and public alike as part of the justification, the "bus-swallowing" voids that were never found for instance.

I walked the bit between the war memorial and the Palace the other day. I find it very, very hard to believe that numerous people haven’t had a good chunk of money out of what is a horribly shit job we’ll now be stuck with for the next 50 odd years. It’s an embarrassment. If Douglas wasn’t a shit hole enough we now have a prom that looks like a broken Eastern European mafia run infrastructure project that’s delivered a shoddy looking £2M pile of shit for £25M. 

Edited by offshoremanxman
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5 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

I walked the bit between the war memorial and the Palace the other day. I find it very, very hard to believe that numerous people haven’t had a good chunk of money out of what is a horribly shit job we’ll now be stuck with for the next 50 odd years. It’s an embarrassment. If Douglas wasn’t a shit hole enough we now have a prom that looks like a broken Eastern European mafia run infrastructure project that’s delivered a shoddy looking £2M pile of shit for £25M. 

DOI needed a wall replacing. So a DOI official asks for quotes. 

A UK contractor comes along measures up and says that will be £10,000 - £5k labour, £4k materials and £1k profit. 

The IOM contractor doesn't bother to measure up. He just says it will be £30,000

The DOI official wants to know how the local contractor got to his price without even measuring. 

"Easy" said the IOM contractor. "£10k for me, £10k for you and we'll spend £10k getting the UK contractor to do the work". 

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