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Promenade - Megathread


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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I'd argue there shouldn't be any block paving on a busy road that often floods with seawater at all.

It’s the same with the shit show that’s Victoria Street closing for another two weeks so that they can dump even more block paving road furniture in after clogging the road up for at least 3 months to do a job that should have taken 5 days. 

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40 minutes ago, SuperHans said:

It’s the same with the shit show that’s Victoria Street closing for another two weeks so that they can dump even more block paving road furniture in after clogging the road up for at least 3 months to do a job that should have taken 5 days. 

3 months  You are being very kind . The  DOI had taken a lot of stick over the Promenade debacle . So they looked for a project that wouldn't take too long and which they would easily finish within the time scale announced . They chose the pedestrian crossing in Victoria street and announced an exaggerated time scale of 20 weeks which would of course make them look good when they completed it in less time.

Work started on 3rd October 2022 and boards were put up to tell the public that it was a 20 week project..

Well you can do the maths .... Here we are over 5 months on and even more inconvenience as the road is to be shut for 2 weeks Possibly the busiest pedestrian crossing  in the capital city and over 5 months work . Was it ever really needed to be updated to this scale ?


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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

A shame she didn't ask for a forensic explanation of where the money has gone that was supposed to have financed the railway running the full length to the Sea Terminal in the first instance.

The money was never specifically assigned to the horse trams. There was just an overall project budget. 

They screwed up and overspent, thankfully it was the horse trams that got the chop. 

It was a non-essential part of the scheme.

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5 minutes ago, emesde said:

3 months  You are being very kind . The  DOI had taken a lot of stick over the Promenade debacle . So they looked for a project that wouldn't take too long and which they would easily finish within the time scale announced . They chose the pedestrian crossing in Victoria street and announced an exaggerated time scale of 20 weeks which would of course make them look good when they completed it in less time.

Work started on 3rd October 2022 and boards were put up to tell the public that it was a 20 week project..

Well you can do the maths .... Here we are over 5 months on and even more inconvenience as the road is to be shut for 2 weeks Possibly the busiest pedestrian crossing  in the capital city and over 5 months work . Was it ever really needed to be updated to this scale ?


Never needed. 

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13 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

The money was never specifically assigned to the horse trams. There was just an overall project budget. 

They screwed up and overspent, thankfully it was the horse trams that got the chop. 

It was a non-essential part of the scheme.

I may have dreamt it but I'm sure they came back for millions more for that very purpose.

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43 minutes ago, finlo said:

I may have dreamt it but I'm sure they came back for millions more for that very purpose.

+1 from me on that. They had original funding then at least one application granted for further funding.

And the horse tram still doesn't go to the Terminal.

Edited by Non-Believer
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5 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

It was a clusterfuck from start to finish. And all because Longtail wanted to run a tram/light railway from Summerland to the the Sea Terminal.

Why a separate stand alone tramway on the seaward side wasn't created I don't know. 

No need for fancy and expensive obelisks/signs. No need for fancy blocked paving (which is already lifting). No need to restrict the parking width for cars.

If DOI wanted to run a dual service tramway (horse & electric) then they got it badly wrong and ignored conventional wisdom and common sense.

A mixture of zebra and pelican crossings and seagull crossings (you know the grey ones about 10m from an actual marked crossing). Love the wide pavements as you can walk straight at a crossing point with purpose and most times just keep on  going as traffic is so slow they usually stop 'just in case'. Just the numpties on their phones you've got to watch for.


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23 hours ago, Ativa said:

Spotted today, down by the Village.

The first markings by a manhole cover to suggest the road will be dug up soon.

How bad are they going to let the various bits of block work that are breaking up before they admit defeat and get the cones and workers out again?

Look at the ramps in Ramsey and you'll get an idea. It'll be a 'temporary' patch of concrete until the time it vanishes under the rising seas. 

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3 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Look at the ramps in Ramsey and you'll get an idea. It'll be a 'temporary' patch of concrete until the time it vanishes under the rising seas. 

Reliably informed that the paving patched with concrete is going to be replaced. By a permanent, all-concrete speed hump installation.

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

The money was never specifically assigned to the horse trams. There was just an overall project budget. 

They screwed up and overspent, thankfully it was the horse trams that got the chop. 

It was a non-essential part of the scheme.

A budget isn't just a lump sum, it has to be broken down into parts by the QS to quantify for schedules of rates and get quotes where necessary for the very reason that once things start to overrun or the tenders come in over the budget, you can look for savings through 'value engineering'. There would have been a price tendered for the whole track. Or maybe should is a better word.

Value engineering being what can you cut from the original client brief that hopefully won't be noticed or can be done on the QT from another pot of money somewhere once the contigency has gone up in smoke. Rememebr there were DoI crews trying to pull them out of the hole at one point. I doubt that cost was atributed to the project costs. 

So if the rail is now finished it will need to be paid for and the nominal saving from not doing it has already been absorbed in the overun costs of the prom. Seriously doubt there is a lump of money labelled 'phase 2 tram track' left. And even there is with recent infaltion it won't be any where near enough to complete it.

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2 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Everyone likes a speed hump 

Except for the taxpayers who paid for one in block paving, expecting it to be a quality job; rather than one that commenced falling to bits within 5 years of being finished and will now be replaced by concrete that looks completely out of place surrounded by the remainder of the dodgy block paving.

All to be paid for by who? Oh yes, the same people who paid for the original job.

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2 hours ago, SuperHans said:

It’s the same with the shit show that’s Victoria Street closing for another two weeks so that they can dump even more block paving road furniture in after clogging the road up for at least 3 months to do a job that should have taken 5 days. 

Closing the road has nothing to do with block paving? It’s for tarmac

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