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Promenade - Megathread


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Interesting ..Haha Very cleverly worded but if you read closely what I'd posted obtained from a really good source directly involved in the contract is actually true. And if everything's so rosy as they are trying to indicate why are they delaying the incredible plan that they allege they had from day one. If you all remember there was a token start to the job at the Sefton and various other basic works clearing areas after the go ahead was given. Then a delay when nothing was getting done...not changed much really ...The services now in Prom walkway was meant to be in the scheme ! Their bullshitting and covering up basic lack of skill set. Quite appropriate that the cracking concrete report has come out at the same time . As to the timeline , Harmer from day one has stated the works will take 2 years and it's still quoted as such on the Myprom site . Only recently it's all changed to April 2021 and privately Auldyn have said it would be June 2021. On the 18th of this month that will be adjusted again when there incredible plan is once again sidetracked as the intention to dig up in front of the hotels/guest houses next summer !! yes you read that right, has rightly due to so many objections had to be delayed till October . So it should be of great comfort to everyone that according to DOI everything's rosy !!   

Edited by Numbnuts
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The information that Buster is referring to available on the FoI website described as "Defective concrete Douglas Promenade" with a date of submission of 24/09/2019 (as usual the servlet problem means I can't give direct links).  It wasn't actually answered till 11 November, so the response was rather buried, the delay being partly to allow the DoI to get its excuses in.  These comprise 

What seems to be happening here is that the DoI and its engineering designers Burroughs Stewart Associates (BSA)[1] are trying blame this particular part of the mess on Auldyn Construction for not laying the concrete right.  Auldyn have however commissioned a report from Professor Peter Robery of Robery Forensic Engineering Ltd (Appendix 1 in the FoI Response) which is fairly devastating, both in showing the errors in the design that BSA produced (and possibly the DoI requested) and how these would make the cracking of the concrete inevitable.  It's particularly harsh on the allegations that the DoI made about Auldyn's concrete laying (see the Comments by Client section)

Now this is a report commissioned by one side of the argument and Robery points out that he didn't actually visit the site (though much documentation and visual evidence is supplied by both sides).  But it repeats many observations that have already been made in this thread and elsewhere (such the DoI bizarre complaint that the temperature was too high to pour concrete (at 23C).  And much of the attempted rebuttal doen't convince.


[1]  They say they operate in conjunction with our like minded sister organisation Burroughs Stewart Associates in the Isle of Man, though the embedded link goes to a domain name seller, which either suggests that either BSA(IOM) is defunct or that they're no better at hanging onto their websites than they are at design.

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12 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

The only good thing about any of it is that Ray Harmer has got about as much chance of getting in again as Jo Swinson has of being PM by the weekend. 

I do hope you’re right. Out of the entire panel at the public meeting in Laxey following the floods in early October he was clearly the most ineffectual. Like a fish out of water without a piece of paper to read from and everything time he said something the audience laughed. It was hugely embarrassing. 

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

.    Submitted with permission of both parties

.    No plans drawn up..

Jesus. That’s really bad. What the actual fuck is going on. 

Someone needs to take control and put a stop to the works until this is sorted. Before it goes too far - if it hasn’t already done so. 

What a bloody mess. 

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23 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

The only good thing about any of it is that Ray Harmer has got about as much chance of getting in again as Jo Swinson has of being PM by the weekend. 

If had been anybody else it would have been the same result.

DOI answer to nobody, not even their own figurehead who clearly doesn't have a clue about what his dept. is up to anyway. He's just a mushroom...

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2 hours ago, gettafa said:

Interesting stuff.

Just to confirm, where is this from? Who are the parties?

When I say parties, I was referring to the original poster and also the person who asked DoI the questions. My first thought when I saw it was "what a load of shite" my second thought was "yes, it is a load of shite".

looks like they had some faceless CS drafting the answers...

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8 hours ago, ecobob said:

I do hope you’re right. Out of the entire panel at the public meeting in Laxey following the floods in early October he was clearly the most ineffectual. Like a fish out of water without a piece of paper to read from and everything time he said something the audience laughed. It was hugely embarrassing. 

And a Cambridge graduate at that.

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