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...the Land of the Free doesn't seize to amaze:


Let's start easy, but with an interesting point - namely the refusal of a US judge to let a Muslim witness swear on the Koran instead of the Bible - technically, that's a violation of the First Amendment. A very interesting point for conversation indeed, I think..


Less easy is the recent comment of republican congressman Tom Tancredo, suggesting to bomb Mecca as retaliation for future attacks - I quote:


Talk show host Pat Campbell asked the Littleton Republican how the country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with nuclear weapons.


"Well, what if you said something like -- if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites," Tancredo answered.


"You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.


"Yeah," Tancredo responded.


What a coincidence that pretty much exactly 60 years ago, on July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb was successfully detonated at Alamogordo, New Mexico...


And if you still think that it's the Land of the Free, then have a look at the website of the Chicago Police department. They now put pictures of criminals onto their website, to let the world know about the names of all the evil doers out there. What kind of criminals you're asking?


No, not robbers, rapists or paedos - they now publish pictures, names and addresses of men arrested for making use of the oldest business in the world - may your guilty soul roast in cyber space hell...

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...the Land of the Free doesn't seize to amaze:


Let's start easy, but with an interesting point - namely the refusal of a US judge to let a Muslim witness swear on the Koran instead of the Bible - technically, that's a violation of the First Amendment. A very interesting point for conversation indeed, I think..




I'm not really arguing with the point, but sometimes the 'rights' given to citizens can be taken a little too far IMO:


New York Times News Service

Published July 19, 2005


"BERLIN -- In a ruling seen as a sharp blow to coordinated counterterrorism efforts in Europe, Germany's highest court on Monday refused to turn over a citizen suspected of aiding Al Qaeda to Spain, arguing that a recent European agreement to streamline extradition procedures violated the rights of German citizens.


The case involves Mamoun Darkazanli, 46, a German of Syrian origin suspected by Spanish authorities and independent experts on terrorism of having provided logistical and financial support to Al Qaeda.


Darkazanli, who runs a trading company in Germany, is pictured on a videotape at a wedding in Hamburg in 1999 attended by two of the pilot-hijackers in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States.


Using the new European procedure, Judge Baltazar Garzon of Spain issued a warrant against Darkazanli last year, accusing him of being the "permanent interlocutor and assistant" in Europe for Al Qaeda's leader, Osama bin Laden."

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Haha I am heartless, looking at those piccys I can quite understand why looking for a prostitute might be in their case the recourse for the ugly.


In regards to the extradition I thought it had been law for a long time that you can't be extradited to another country from your place of birth. Have I got that wrong?


Don't think it was ever Land of the Free. The country wrap itself in all different terms but they are onl relative to itself. They do do things differently there.

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...the Land of the Free doesn't seize to amaze:


Let's start easy, but with an interesting point - namely the refusal of a US judge to let a Muslim witness swear on the Koran instead of the Bible - technically, that's a violation of the First Amendment. A very interesting point for conversation indeed, I think..



-snip- I'm not really arguing with the point, but sometimes the 'rights' given to citizens can be taken a little too far IMO:-snip-

I agree that it looks a bit odd on first sight, and it actually was quite a talking point in the press back home, but Germany has developed a pretty good ability to act very diplomatic in cases like this..


Very rightly, his rights as a German citizen were respected as the current law demands it, but don't worry: Sooner or later, he'll go to Spain on "Holiday" ;)


There was a similar case a while ago, were the US requested for a terror suspect to be handed over to the States and Germany said no - they resolved it by simply sending him back to his home country instead (on the basis of refused Asylum), and guess who quite certainly waited for his arrival near the runway back home? It might just have been a US operated private Jet...


Iraq and the "War on Terror" are the only things our current administration managed to handle quite well, IMHO...


As to the poor guys on the Chicago Police website: I think that this is an unbelievable act of discrimination - we're not talking about real criminals here, and I wish there was a website with pictures and information about criminals the public should really be informed about, such as paedos and rapists, but instead, they publish the mugshots of a few punters on a website and call it a success in the war on crime, while probably wasting quite a bit of taxpayers money in the process...


I'm just glad I don't live in America...

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I don't agree about what your saying about Iraq and the "War on Terror" stuff.  British troops shouldn't be in these countries in the first place!

Sorry - was referring to the German administration in that case - can be confusing, as there's normally nothing good to say about them, but keeping their head low when Dubya called was a good thing...

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Only one way to deal with them

Bomb them

Attached is a little RealPlayer clip - same motto, but somehow less funny... You may call it a "US Propaganda Video", and although it's well made, I somehow can't help but shake my head at this kind of stuff..


There's a whole website with these clips to be found here - it's made with a lot of thought and effort and the clips look really good, but still - can't see this kind of stuff help the course of the free world..


So crank up the volume and click on below attached file - (it's a streaming clip, no need for right-click, save as...)


Even though I'm absolutely against the way the US were/are acting at the moment, I can't help but be affected by the morbid fascination of this sophisticated, high-tech killing machine..


Note:The clip is generally SFW but contains explicit language/lyrics


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...the Land of the Free doesn't seize to amaze:


Let's start easy, but with an interesting point - namely the refusal of a US judge to let a Muslim witness swear on the Koran instead of the Bible - technically, that's a violation of the First Amendment. A very interesting point for conversation indeed, I think..


Less easy is the recent comment of republican congressman Tom Tancredo, suggesting to bomb Mecca as retaliation for future attacks - I quote:


Talk show host Pat Campbell asked the Littleton Republican how the country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with nuclear weapons.


"Well, what if you said something like -- if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites," Tancredo answered.


"You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.


"Yeah," Tancredo responded.


What a coincidence that pretty much exactly 60 years ago, on July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb was successfully detonated at Alamogordo, New Mexico...


And if you still think that it's the Land of the Free, then have a look at the website of the Chicago Police department. They now put pictures of criminals onto their website, to let the world know about the names of all the evil doers out there. What kind of criminals you're asking?


No, not robbers, rapists or paedos - they now publish pictures, names and addresses of men arrested for making use of the oldest business in the world - may your guilty soul roast in cyber space hell...


Having looked at that site, I notice that mugshots of not one, not two, but three of the Jaramillo brothers all appear. Their mother must be very proud

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Having looked at that site, I notice that mugshots of not one, not two, but three of the Jaramillo brothers all appear.  Their mother must be very proud

:D - OK, i give you that one - good observation..


Still, I think it's pretty wrong to display someone's name, address and picture for the whole world to see, only because you maybe had a really stupid idea on a night out...(any stag night confessions at this point, maybe? ;) )

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