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Caster Semenya loses appeal

Max Power

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8 hours ago, dilligaf said:

I can't imagine me in a white skirt and you do not want to. Lets leave it there. ;)

I don’t have to imagine...I’ve seen the video!!

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2 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

You like your menly women then!

Not at all, paul. Far from it. I've heard this "Williams Brothers" thing lots of times, of course but I just don't see it. I think that they are both very attractive, feminine women. Big, yes; powerful, yes; but manly? No, not in the least bit. Semenya, on the other hand..........


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13 hours ago, woolley said:

OK. I can see that this is not going to be popular. This thread is a prime example of how far political correctness has prejudiced a section of the general public against the majority interest. So many people are saying how terrible this is and "how must she feel?"

She looks like a bloke. She runs like a bloke. She "has both male and female genital characteristics". So what about all of the rest of the 100% female athletes who have the misfortune to be her contemporaries? What about their careers? Should their endeavours be sacrificed on the altar of her hurt feelings? Should they be content to aim for second place because first place is always going to the person packing abnormal amounts of testosterone? I think not. What about how they feel?

I do have sympathy for anyone who finds themselves "different" to the majority. They should not be persecuted for it in general society. However, sympathy should never extend to them being allowed a competitive advantage against their peers either. The greatest advantage to the majority must be the rule. The decision, for once, is absolutely correct and the appeal should be dismissed.

I don't really see it that way, what about the other yet to be identified genetic advantages which certain athletes may have? This could open the floodgates to all sorts of claims of genetic advantage. She's not a man and they are not saying that she is, despite what she looks like, otherwise she would be able to compete with men.

Why should little sparrow boned people not be made to put on six stone to compete in the marathon with the likes of me? Why don't F1 drivers have to carry ten stone of ballast so fatties can drive?   

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12 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I don't really see it that way, what about the other yet to be identified genetic advantages which certain athletes may have? This could open the floodgates to all sorts of claims of genetic advantage. She's not a man and they are not saying that she is, despite what she looks like, otherwise she would be able to compete with men.

Why should little sparrow boned people not be made to put on six stone to compete in the marathon with the likes of me? Why don't F1 drivers have to carry ten stone of ballast so fatties can drive?   

I don't see why it should open the floodgates. 95%+ of athletes easily fit into male or female categories, and the rules should be set to benefit them. It is very clearly against all logic and any sense of fair play that everyone else is disadvantaged in sport to suit the very small minority who are "different". Remember that nowadays athletics can be a very lucrative career and competitors put a lot of hard work in to be their best. They should not be cheated by somebody who has more than the equivalent of a massive steroid injection as an advantage in every event. Are you saying it's just her good fortune and the rest should suck it up?

She is not a man? Well the evidence says she is not a woman either. She has the characteristics of both genders, so why doesn't she run with the men? It would make just as much sense, aside from the fact that she wouldn't be winning. She does not look or move like a woman.

Your last paragraph is not relevant because those are not gender issues. Perhaps there should be a "transolympics" alongside the Paralympics.

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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

Your last paragraph is not relevant because those are not gender issues. Perhaps there should be a "transolympics" alongside the Paralympics.

That's just the thing that's kicked this off, the 'trendy' gender argument. We are obsessed with trying to equalise men and women but the minute something pops up that doesn't fit the argument, it's unfair to women. I bet they'd be holding her up as a great example of female equality if she were in the Parachute Regiment!

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39 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Goodness, doesn’t this forum contain a lot of misogynistic, if-I-don’t-find-a-woman-attractive-they’re-a-man, nasty, judgmental people. 

Just be glad you're not one of them...

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