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Ooh Betty. Williamson sacked

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4 minutes ago, woody2 said:

Lol, you can't seriously trust that, can you? I'd credited you with more sense than that.


Anyone who wants to trawl through all previous episodes of QT and decide who is remain and who is leave has far too much time on their hands. It also assumes that all those episodes were purely concerned with the decision to leave the EU, there is more to life than leaving or remaining.

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Lefties used to complain that Nigel Farage was forever on the programme, he has only appeared once in the 42 Question Time shows there have been since the referendum. According to research done by a co-conspirator*, Remain panelists have outnumbered Leavers by 137-72, nearly twice as many. 86% of the time the panel was dominated by Remainers…

  • Leavers have only outnumbered Remainers in 3 episodes. Remainers dominated in 36.
  • In 16 editions there was only a single Leaver.
  • Prominent anti-Brexiteers dominate the repeat appearances with Emily Thornberry and Richard Burgon on 5 times, Alex Salmond and Leanne Wood on 3 times.
  • Jacob Rees-Mogg was the only Brexiteer to appear 3 times.

Given the majority of the country backed Leave is it really too hard for the producers to have more balanced panels? Admittedly most of the political establishment they have to choose from is pro-Remain…

*Researched by co-conspirator and journalist Ken Andrew. He excluded the non-partisan edition immediately after the Manchester bombing and the Leaders’ Debates.



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4 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Oh dear, repetition yet again, the dementia is kicking in again.


Repeating something over and over doesn't make it necessarily true or more valid.

even the bbc agree......

you remoaners just don't like the truth.......

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12 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Terrible thing dementia. I am not a remoaner. The UK has voted to leave and leave they should, I want them to do it as soon as possible.

Steady, you'll be getting the "thick as...................etc etc from PK :lol::flowers:

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14 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Terrible thing dementia. I am not a remoaner. The UK has voted to leave and leave they should, I want them to do it as soon as possible.


you remoaners just don't like the truth.......

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

qt 86% remoaner on the panel...


Is not the same as "86% of the time the panel was dominated by Remainers…" 

Nor is "Remain panelists have outnumbered Leavers by 137-72" - it is 65%. 




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5 minutes ago, paswt said:

Steady, you'll be getting the "thick as...................etc etc from PK :lol::flowers:

Nah, I'm just a person who is willing to accept another's point of view and decision. I voted to remain (mostly for personal reasons) but readily accept that the result was to leave, therefore the UK must leave. Hence, no remaining (or remoaning if you one of those that reduces everything to silly terms) for me. Generally, blinkered fools cannot accept another's point of view as being valid.

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3 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Nah, I just a person who is willing to accept another's point of view and decision. I voted to remain (mostly for personal reasons) but readily accept that the result was to leave, therefore the UK must leave. Generally, blinkered fools cannot accept another's point of view as being valid.

remoaner alert.........

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That makes your 86% even more disingenuous.  The analysis is based on how the panelists voted in 2017 not their policy now. 

Theresa May might have voted Remain but she's committed to a course to leave. 

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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

remoaner alert.........

Voting to remain does not make you a remoaner. A remoaner is someone who still moans about the outcome and calls for further votes (people's vote, etc.). I accept the outcome, do not think any further votes would be appropriate and want the UK to leave as soon as possible in accordance with the will of the majority of the people. If you really cannot understand that then you cannot understand democracy.

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2 minutes ago, Declan said:

That makes your 86% even more disingenuous.  They're based on how they voted in 2017 not their policy now. 

Theresa May might have voted Remain but she's committed to a course to leave. 


you should be a comedian..........

she's done everything but.........

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