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On other threads you defend terrorist murders of British soldiers and claim the Middle East as your homeland, and now you’re lying through your teeth to claim your obvious ignorance of spelling carried some subtle point. You really are a thick and nasty troll. 

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On 5/8/2019 at 10:00 PM, Rog said:

If Eire remains within the EU  ...................



On 5/9/2019 at 12:07 AM, Bobbie Bobster said:


You appear to have put your size nines on the same neirve that I did a couple of weeks ago and with the same result.


I don't think that people who use Eire for Ireland are doing so in a pejorative sense necessarily. I certainly wasn't. It is just easier to write 4 letters than Republic of Ireland. Would people object similarly to the use of Ellan Vannin? Or Cymru? Will the pedantic be less inclined to nitpick when ultimately the Irish nation is joined as one once more, and partition is history? Would Eire be OK with you then?

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

On other threads you defend terrorist murders of British soldiers and claim the Middle East as your homeland, and now you’re lying through your teeth to claim your obvious ignorance of spelling carried some subtle point. You really are a thick and nasty troll. 

Erie is rather appropriate in that it is a sorta backward version of Eire and so rather appropriate. 

As for Israel, I absolutely approve of the very necessary actions of Haganah, there was no murder, unlike the actions of the fenians in Ulster and on the Mainland.

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:


You appear to have put your size nines on the same neirve that I did a couple of weeks ago and with the same result.


I don't think that people who use Eire for Ireland are doing so in a pejorative sense necessarily. I certainly wasn't. It is just easier to write 4 letters than Republic of Ireland. Would people object similarly to the use of Ellan Vannin? Or Cymru? Will the pedantic be less inclined to nitpick when ultimately the Irish nation is joined as one once more, and partition is history? Would Eire be OK with you then?

I refuse to even consider using the republic of Ireland because it dilutes the separation of what remains of Ulster from a foreign country.

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2 minutes ago, Rog said:

I refuse to even consider using the republic of Ireland because it dilutes the separation of what remains of Ulster from a foreign country.

I don't understand that. How so? How can calling the part of Ireland outside the UK dilute the separation? If anything, it strengthens it and I would presume that was the intent.

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Éire means ‘Ireland’. It’s usage dates from when the Republic’s constitution didn’t recognise the right of Northern Ireland to exist. The Republic of Ireland’s constitution dropped the claim over NI as part of the GFA. 

Rog defends the terrorist murder of British soldiers again and again, and hates the peace process in Ireland. He is an ignorant, anti-British troll. 

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5 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Éire means ‘Ireland’. It’s usage dates from when the Republic’s constitution didn’t recognise the right of Northern Ireland to exist. The Republic of Ireland’s constitution dropped the claim over NI as part of the GFA. 

Rog defends the terrorist murder of British soldiers again and again, and hates the peace process in Ireland. He is an ignorant, anti-British troll. 

Is he? Does he? Didn't know that.

You've said pretty much what I said. Eire means Ireland, so why the angst about a word? The RoI constitution may have dropped the claim to NI, but that doesn't mean republicans in general have. It's still a bit Irish that the word for Ireland in the Irish language is considered to be a pejorative in my book.

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28 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Rog hates Britain. Ask him what he thinks of the perpetrators of this hotel bombing:


I don't hate Britain. 

I have much less than positive feelings towards Erie, or fenians irrespective of ancient or modern - or their supporters and apologists.  And I'm not that fond of Scots though the latter is based on the level of anti-Semitism that I've me from many Scottish folk.

As for the attack on the malon ha-Melekh David,  why don't YOU say what YOU think took place and why.  If nothing else it'll either be amusing - or more likely a schoolboy howler. 

Or both.

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5 hours ago, woolley said:

I don't understand that. How so? How can calling the part of Ireland outside the UK dilute the separation? If anything, it strengthens it and I would presume that was the intent.

Indeed. One has only to trawl on line to see our beloved Rog is wrong...But let us not get literally bogged down in Ireland (That I believe is where the expression comes from ie military forces being stuck in the bogs of Ireland....and not even I have cleaned the Irish bogs)...Moving from Free State/Eire to Republic of Ireland was part of the individuation separating the new Ireland so to speak from the former Imperial situation and facilitating the process by which the ROI has a paramount position centre stage in Brexit and likewise has a good hand of cards in deciding the future direction of the UK...Who would have thought it?

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5 hours ago, Rog said:

Erie is rather appropriate in that it is a sorta backward version of Eire and so rather appropriate. 

As for Israel, I absolutely approve of the very necessary actions of Haganah, there was no murder, unlike the actions of the fenians in Ulster and on the Mainland.

So the Haganah commited no murder..Mmmm>?


So it must have been manslaughter then?

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27 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

  the ROI has a paramount position centre stage in Brexit and likewise has a good hand of cards in deciding the future direction of the UK...Who would have thought it?

It doesn't really. It has no cards at all. Ireland is simply afraid of the outcome. It is only important because the "backstop" has been promoted as the essential obstacle to overcome. In fact it is the means by which the UK is meant to stay in a customs union with the EU and it always was. If the backstop is essential until it is superseded by a "permanent arrangement", and the backstop is de facto a customs union, it follows logically that the permanent arrangement is also planned to be a customs union. That is what makes the parliamentary gymnastics so inane.  In the end, much like the Isle of Man, Ireland will get what it's given. There is no way that France and Germany will defer to Ireland against their own interests despite the lip service they pay to EU solidarity.

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