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Mark Field suspended

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Remarkable at the lack of security that allowed it to happen in the first instance? They were probably confident that the price of the tickets would have kept the unwashed out :lol:

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44 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Think I'd have done the same thing in his position. Disgraceful that he's been suspended for ejecting the protestor but the righteous outrage of the PC brigade has to be appeased. There was a time when this wouldn't even have made the news, never mind the front page. 

It's the way he did it that's the issue.

Not what I would call a controlled response at all as he clearly completely lost it.

The young lady appeared to me to be in pain as she, a peaceful protester, was held by the neck and forcibly frogmarched out. But then a rabid right-winger knows how to deal with the lower orders.

Thanks to the idiot MP they have got more publicity than they could have dreamt of. I hope they don't lose the moral high ground by bringing charges....

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

Wonder how this topic would have played out had the stupid woman been carrying acid or some kind of weapon

Well, then it would have been "reasonable" force as the law allows....

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The reason for the protesters having a tilt at Hammond:

Philip Hammond accused of trying to kill off landmark action on global warming by claiming bill will top £1 trillion


Seems a fair enough reason for a peaceful protest to me.

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You are able to use reasonable force to remove people trespassing etc. 

That is exactly what he did. He turned her round and moved her out. It is something 100s of bouncers and doormen do every night. 

She was a protester, there to disrupt and was removed.  Shock horror. 

If you take direct action you suffer the consequences. She wasn’t assaulted in roughed up. She wanted to force her way to make a political point and failed via being pushed and pulled. Didums. 

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29 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

You are able to use reasonable force to remove people trespassing etc. 

That is exactly what he did. He turned her round and moved her out. It is something 100s of bouncers and doormen do every night. 

She was a protester, there to disrupt and was removed.  Shock horror. 

If you take direct action you suffer the consequences. She wasn’t assaulted in roughed up. She wanted to force her way to make a political point and failed via being pushed and pulled. Didums. 

Got a daughter Mr C?

ETA: OK. A tad below the belt.

Firstly she didn't fail to make her point. Thanks to Dumbo Rambo they got more publicity than they could have dreamt of....!

Secondly he grabbed her by the neck. Big no-no. Grab around the waist pinioning the arms is the safe way to go.

He's definitely open to prosecution. I should imagine the victim won't press charges because it adds to their "peaceful protest" credentials. But if I was the local bobby I would have something to say about it as I don't want folks dispensing their own forms of justice....

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7 hours ago, P.K. said:

Got a daughter Mr C?

 ETA: OK. A tad below the belt.

You taught me the phase harridans of hate. Not everyone’s daughter is a wall flower.

Please note this peaceful activist had something in her hand and twisted to thrust it at the man.

She was resisting and trying to push past him, then after he gained control he had her twist and thrust something at him.  It’s oh so easy in hindsight to clearly identify her as peaceful and not in the harridan category.

In my view he was totally justified in using reasonable force to keep her at arms length and moving. 

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Mark Field obviously lacked your prescience and instinctive awareness P.K. Are you free for series two of Bodyguard ? Give Jed Mercurio a ring...

Now now.

I would hope I wouldn't lose it like Field obviously did.

To be fair I would probably be preparing to give Hammond the bread roll treatment as is traditional at such events.

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