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Mark Field suspended

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

You taught me the phase harridans of hate. Not everyone’s daughter is a wall flower.

Please note this peaceful activist had something in her hand and twisted to thrust it at the man.

She was resisting and trying to push past him, then after he gained control he had her twist and thrust something at him.  It’s oh so easy in hindsight to clearly identify her as peaceful and not in the harridan category.

In my view he was totally justified in using reasonable force to keep her at arms length and moving. 

Quite so.

Everyone has 20/20 hindsight.

I see this morning the young lady is not going to try and press charges.

So nobody died and there are far more pressing matters to attend to - like England losing to Sri Lanka. Sheeesh!

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The newspapers are making a big thing about the police being called to a loud altercation at the Johnson - Symonds household last night. The neighbours were, apparently, concerned about the young lady’s safety, but what about poor Boris’ safety? She could have had acid, or a knife, or a gun or WMD. Aren’t we lucky we have such brave gentleman in power, ever vigilant and ready and willing to act. 

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

The newspapers are making a big thing about the police being called to a loud altercation at the Johnson - Symonds household last night. The neighbours were, apparently, concerned about the young lady’s safety, but what about poor Boris’ safety? She could have had acid, or a knife, or a gun or WMD. Aren’t we lucky we have such brave gentleman in power, ever vigilant and ready and willing to act. 

There’s probably a Jo Brand response to that, but we aren’t allowed to think/say it.

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Tory MP apologises for letting Greenpeace protester live

THE Conservative MP accused of assaulting a Greenpeace protester has apologised to fellow dinner guests for not using lethal force. 

When informed that he may be charged with assault, Field said: “But she’s a lefty.”




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I think its wonderful. And I totally agree with what Chinahand said.

The protestor managed to get into a private (prob taxpayer paid) meal, shouted, and the MP threw her out.

Good on them both. 

She went to disrupt. She was thrown out. What did she expext.

The fact that an elected MP can be subjected to such a protester without the protestor being gunned down is a thing to be celebrated.

The MP frogmarching her out.. superb...good on them both.. 

Compare that to the Mayor of Beijing visiting the town next to me a couple of months ago. Total shut down. Factories closed, production lost. All movement banned.

That the UK can have MPs and other officials go for meals without an area police shutdown is a thing to be celebrated. 

He has to be allowed the right to defend himself.

And protesters need to accept lines. 

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

That’s the level we’re at then - at least we’re better than a country that locks up and tortures people because of their religion. 

totally agree. I have an mate in xj who sends stories about shops closing every day. He cant buy petrol without his wifes ID card etc. 3 million at last estimated count. Fox and Breitbart love it.Suggest the west should do the same. Its not about sharia. Its culture, and sepratism. Good luck with finding an army to go fight a fight to let muslims be muslims. You know.. religious freedoom and all that. 

China is in the wrong. No doubt

War.. ?

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16 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Mark field just doesn't like protesters. How very dare they. Has stu peters ate his hat yet?

No, because I've not seen any footage subsequently that has changed my mind in the slightest. He did the right thing in a proportionate way. And I have three daughters...

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It's obvious that Field has "anger management" issues and had the lass been injured I would hope this thread would have gone differently.

I'm concerned because as someone said "The right of peaceful protest is protected by law" which it certainly is. So how can folks protest peacefully without the use of any violence at all, like these forty or so ladies all dressed the same with their sashes (so lets not have any more nonsense like they could have been a threat) without being subject to a violent attack by an MP who seems to think he is above the law?

England now need to win their last three matches against VERY strong sides. It doesn't look good....

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This time it was a young lady dressed smart disrupting a meeting full of high profile persons, next time it’s a young lady dressed smart with a knife /gun/bomb in her handbag, the chap did the right thing in my opinion in a spur of the moment action, don’t you think some clean skin white terrorists will pick up on this. Next time it may be to late.

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Firstly there is pretty much no protection against a "lone wolf" attack anyway.

Secondly it was obvious this lass was part of the peaceful protest.

It must be all the Daily Wails that get shipped in every morning...

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