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Mark Field suspended

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Quite frankly both of these fools are equally to blame. She encroached into a private function for the purpose of making a political statement. If she didn't appreciate the potential for heightened awareness of security risks and the virtually certain outcome of her being intercepted and removed - no matter how peaceful she intended to be - she's an idiot. By the same token, his was a gross over-reaction. Grabbing her very forcibly by the neck - which he clearly did - was reckless and could have led to serious injury. The physical restraint he applied was disproportionate given their respective gender and sizes. She could have been removed equally effectively, yet less violently. Both are illustrative of the vast swathe of fools currently infesting the British political landscape. I hope neither of them prosper.

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4 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Quite frankly both of these fools are equally to blame. She encroached into a private function for the purpose of making a political statement. If she didn't appreciate the potential for heightened awareness of security risks and the virtually certain outcome of her being intercepted and removed - no matter how peaceful she intended to be - she's an idiot. By the same token, his was a gross over-reaction. Grabbing her very forcibly by the neck - which he clearly did - was reckless and could have led to serious injury. The physical restraint he applied was disproportionate given their respective genders and sizes. She could have been removed equally effectively, yet less violently. Both are illustrative of the vast swathe of fools currently infesting the British political landscape. I hope neither of them prosper.

As the young lady pointed out she was only armed with leaflets explaining the science behind global warming.

I think it's a particularly poor show that a peaceful protester who wants a better world for everyone gets assaulted by an MP.

Made me smile:

"Field’s situation is complicated by the fact that he has been responsible for the UK government’s response to the crisis in Hong Kong, where he called this week for allegations of “inappropriate use of force by the Hong Kong police” to be properly investigated. Questions about his own conduct could make it harder for him to press for restraint ....."

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I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but have you seen her? Typical SJW type, no doubt with a sense of entitlement and a desire to make mischief.

Probably unsurprisingly, those protesting her innocence are mostly commie pinko lefty types, and those defending him are privileged capitalist pig white members of the patriarchy.

Except me - I'd be as supportive if Glenda Jackson frogmarched a Trump supporter out of a climate change convention. If you're a vexatious and disruptive gatecrasher you deserve the taser.

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Ah Greenpeace, that historically violent and dangerous organisation.

If he genuinely thought she was armed, marching her out by the neck is not going to do anything.

The "they could have a gun or acid" thing is going to be very handy for disrupting any attempts at protest or holding the politicians to task.

I wonder if it had been a man, would Billy Big Bollocks reacted the same way?


Strange how restrained they were with a large shouty man...but he could have been armed with a gun or acid!!!!!!


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All these debates, speeches, committee meetings etc get a bit boring.  I think we need more unarmed hand-to-hand combat in politics to liven it up a bit.  At the end of the day, nobody was hurt which is the main thing.  Good on them both.  

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A good and perfectly arguable point. However, I think that the main difference, in "moral" terms if you like, between the Nigel Farage and the Mark Field incidents, is that Farage was engaging in the normal democratic process in the normal way (election campaigning) and didn't deserve to have a milkshake thrown at him, whatever you may think of his views.  On the other hand, the Greenpeace protestor was disrupting the normal democratic process (interrupting a private meeting) so to some extent, she should expect a certain amount of pushback (literally) from that.

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2 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Ah Greenpeace, that historically violent and dangerous organisation.

If he genuinely thought she was armed, marching her out by the neck is not going to do anything.

The "they could have a gun or acid" thing is going to be very handy for disrupting any attempts at protest or holding the politicians to task.

I wonder if it had been a man, would Billy Big Bollocks reacted the same way?


Strange how restrained they were with a large shouty man...but he could have been armed with a gun or acid!!!!!!


Thought you'd show up sooner or later.

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2 hours ago, BallaDoc said:

A good and perfectly arguable point. However, I think that the main difference, in "moral" terms if you like, between the Nigel Farage and the Mark Field incidents, is that Farage was engaging in the normal democratic process in the normal way (election campaigning) and didn't deserve to have a milkshake thrown at him, whatever you may think of his views.  On the other hand, the Greenpeace protestor was disrupting the normal democratic process (interrupting a private meeting) so to some extent, she should expect a certain amount of pushback (literally) from that.

You could argue that a peaceful protest is also participating in the normal democratic process, however, you may dispute this so I provide a quote from someone who was present;

"Asked what happened when the protesters entered the hall, a financier said: “People stopped talking and listened politely. A lady kept reading the same sentences over and over again, but she was very polite. We listened for three to four minutes, said thank you very much and clapped. Then they were asked to leave and security took them out."

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3 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

You could argue that a peaceful protest is also participating in the normal democratic process, however, you may dispute this so I provide a quote from someone who was present;

"Asked what happened when the protesters entered the hall, a financier said: “People stopped talking and listened politely. A lady kept reading the same sentences over and over again, but she was very polite. We listened for three to four minutes, said thank you very much and clapped. Then they were asked to leave and security took them out."

In a different room i.e. no Dumbo Rambo....

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