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Are we doing enough to preserve climate change?? UN doesn't think so!!


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A UN study has said the nations across the world were not taking the required interest in the proposed 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It said the problems of inequality and climate change were interrelated and should be tackled fast as time was running out.

The report was presented at the opening of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, which brings together some 2,000 participants from around the world to evaluate progress toward meeting the 17 SDGs that the world body's 193 member-states set in 2015, media reported.

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8 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

wonder if I'll still be around when, 'experts', tell us that climate change is not man made?

Hahaha. Sometimes I feel animals are far better than humans. They follow the laws of nature but we humans break those laws for our personal interest and again give lectures that we need to save this environment bla bla bla...

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2 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Well we were around long enough for you to post that same joke in two different threads in less than 24 hours...

More of a statement than a joke... :rolleyes:

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Did I say it's not happening? I have absolutely no idea whether any changes are man made or not, is that clear enough?

I asked the question whether your informed scientific information base will change their minds in my lifetime?

I have lived a very long time and experience indicates that most things are not cast in stone and humans are fallible.

I am surprised that someone as apparently as clever as you is so absolutely certain that human pronouncements are accurate, mine certainly aren't.

Hope that helps you to question your certainties more closely and that you live a long and happy life, I certainly have.

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

I’m not a climate scientist, so I don’t have an informed opinion on this. I wonder where the eminent professors Neil Down and doc.fixit do their research?

other than this comment, I don't recall posting on this particular thread. Go troll somewhere else...

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21 hours ago, Neil Down said:

other than this comment, I don't recall posting on this particular thread. Go troll somewhere else...

Doc.fixit suspects that climate change is not man made and speculates on whether he’ll live long enough to see the experts say that it isn’t. He later clarifies that he has no idea if climate change is man made, but points out that he is old and in his opinion scientists are sometimes wrong. You, on the other hand, seem more convinced of his speculation, so you add that it is ‘more of a statement than a joke’. Doc.fixit then presumes that I am ‘absolutely certain’ that the experts are correct. I am not. I’ll repeat; I’m not a climate scientist, so I don’t have an informed opinion on this. I’ll go further than that, I really haven’t a clue if the science is correct. How could I? I neither work for NASA nor have the resources of NASA. In the absence of the ability, brains or resources to conduct my own research I cannot base my own opinion on science, so, I have to go with my gut feeling about who is more likely to be correct - NASA and the vast majority (97%) of international scientific opinion, or maverick scientists like Jeremy Corbyn’s brother and anti-science nationalist politicians and media commentators. I know that occasionally the majority of scientific opinion gets proved wrong, but if you didn’t trust science because humans are fallible you would never go to the doctor, or fly in a plane.

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2 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Doc.fixit suspects that climate change is not man made and speculates on whether he’ll live long enough to see the experts say that it isn’t. He later clarifies that he has no idea if climate change is man made, but points out that he is old and in his opinion scientists are sometimes wrong. You, on the other hand, seem more convinced of his speculation, so you add that it is ‘more of a statement than a joke’. Doc.fixit then presumes that I am ‘absolutely certain’ that the experts are correct. I am not. I’ll repeat; I’m not a climate scientist, so I don’t have an informed opinion on this. I’ll go further than that, I really haven’t a clue if the science is correct. How could I? I neither work for NASA nor have the resources of NASA. In the absence of the ability, brains or resources to conduct my own research I cannot base my own opinion on science, so, I have to go with my gut feeling about who is more likely to be correct - NASA and the vast majority (97%) of international scientific opinion, or maverick scientists like Jeremy Corbyn’s brother and anti-science nationalist politicians and media commentators. I know that occasionally the majority of scientific opinion gets proved wrong, but if you didn’t trust science because humans are fallible you would never go to the doctor, or fly in a plane.

Feel free to point out where I am convinced...

other than that feel free to troll away

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This is worth a look, Sky News Australia article on climate change. I have often thought that it is driven mainly by solar activity but who am I? I have read variou articles that scientists are scared of going against the man made climate change lobby for fear of losing their careers.


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