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Trump's Controversial Tweet


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Why the US President is behaving like this? Is he really affected with Xenophobia or Is it because of the next year's election?? It seems he is again going to use his most loved racism agenda for the upcoming elections. For your reference here are his tweets. The democrats leaders like IIhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio hit back on his comments. 

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Well he wasn't wrong.  People really don't like to hear the truth.  It's the same with the bogus asylum seekers swarming into Europe and especially the UK.  They should sort out their own counties before burglarizing ours. Worst of all are those breaking the Dublin Convention in order to predate on us and be parasitic on our Social Devices. Millions of them. 

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23 minutes ago, Rog said:

Well he wasn't wrong.

Except for the part where the majority of the women he is referring to are US natural born citizens (and the other has been a US citizen since she was a child.)

Make no mistake, this was a sexist, racist and xenophobic tweet.

There are white, male congressmen who are not US natural born citizens, why isn't Drumpf talking about them...we all know the answer (except for Rog obviously).

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I used to say that Hatie Kockpins was a social barometer for the right, if she can get away with saying what ever hateful trash she spewed, then that set the bar for what the right could get away with.

Now Trump is taking that show on the internation tour and on a far grander scale.  

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2 hours ago, kushal24 said:

Why the US President is behaving like this? 

In very simple terms he is behaving like this because these four women are a formidable force and there are elections next year and he wishes to discredit and turn the populace against them. What you must keep in mind is that this was the populace who voted him in in the first place so they will believe just about anything. 

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32 minutes ago, Rog said:

Well he wasn't wrong.  People really don't like to hear the truth.  It's the same with the bogus asylum seekers swarming into Europe and especially the UK.  They should sort out their own counties before burglarizing ours. Worst of all are those breaking the Dublin Convention in order to predate on us and be parasitic on our Social Devices. Millions of them. 

He wasn't wrong!! OMG!! Let me ask you a question. Do you really think that US has became superpower just because of US people? I agree that US people's contribution is there but you shouldn't forget the contributions made by people from other countries. Moreover he is not an ordinary person to make such comments. He is the President of the country. Don't he know that such comments will raise safety concerns for non US citizens? I'm quite amused to see that he is getting support for such comments from people like you

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7 minutes ago, kushal24 said:

He wasn't wrong!! OMG!! Let me ask you a question. Do you really think that US has became superpower just because of US people? I agree that US people's contribution is there but you shouldn't forget the contributions made by people from other countries. Moreover he is not an ordinary person to make such comments. He is the President of the country. Don't he know that such comments will raise safety concerns for non US citizens? I'm quite amused to see that he is getting support for such comments from people like you

What President Trump wrote was absolutely correct.  Politicians opposing the measures he is taking to secure the borders of the USA and to clean up the scum of society that are being met with such horror by people who originate from crap hole countries would do better to concern themselves with their countries of origin than obstruct or complain about the get-well programs that he is introducing.  If by non-US citizens you mean illegal immigrants then GOOD.  As for people like me, what does that mean?

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6 minutes ago, Rog said:

What President Trump wrote was absolutely correct.  Politicians opposing the measures he is taking to secure the borders of the USA and to clean up the scum of society that are being met with such horror by people who originate from crap hole countries would do better to concern themselves with their countries of origin than obstruct or complain about the get-well programs that he is introducing.  If by non-US citizens you mean illegal immigrants then GOOD.  As for people like me, what does that mean?

You'll be refraining from voting in UK elections until Manx politics is cleaned up, I take it. 

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4 minutes ago, Declan said:

You'll be refraining from voting in UK elections until Manx politics is cleaned up, I take it. 

For one thing that will never happen, instead the UK will have to incorporate the isle of man into the UK (and I'm not kidding) and for another I'm not in any way objecting in BREXIT.

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9 minutes ago, Rog said:

He certainly beats the hell out of that POS Barack Hussein.

You missed some letters out of former POTUS and his name is Barack Hussein Obama.

And he certainly does not beat Obama.  His opinion poll numbers are in the toilet, and any metric you can find shows that he is either riding on the Obama-wave or making things worse.

But then, trying to talk sense with you about stuff like this is like trying to talk sense with PGW or manxy.  I know you are in it for the contrarian giggles. 

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