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Choose Life - Scotland's drug problem

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Drug related deaths in Scotland are the highest in the EU and over twice the British average. Is this because of a broken society and culture ? The change to a post-industrial economy, unemployment and futureless flexible working patterns ? Hollowed out communities and industrialised drug dealing ? Universal credit and austerity ? The 'Trainspotting Effect' and the adrenalized nihilism of drug culture ? The failure to legalise drugs against a rising tide of drug acceptance ? I could go on...

What do you think ?    

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51 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Drug related deaths in Scotland are the highest in the EU and over twice the British average. Is this because of a broken society and culture ? The change to a post-industrial economy, unemployment and futureless flexible working patterns ? Hollowed out communities and industrialised drug dealing ? Universal credit and austerity ? The 'Trainspotting Effect' and the adrenalized nihilism of drug culture ? The failure to legalise drugs against a rising tide of drug acceptance ? I could go on...

What do you think ?    

Oh dear. Tut tut. How sad. Next?

And trust me, I mean that.  Druggies make me sick.  The sooner they leave the gene pool the better.

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16 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You are a broken, twisted husk of piss and vinegar.


Sweet talk will get you nowhere!


But no, I just have high standards.

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2 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Really?  That much isn't apparent from your incoherent hate fuelled nonsense on here.

Kindly engage a taxidermist to undertake his skills and services on your good self.

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C4 news had a Portuguese guy on last night talking about this. There is a clear and obvious example to follow if they really want to get a grip on this. Drug related deaths in Portugal have fallen 10 fold over the course of their decriminalization and treatment policy.

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

C4 news had a Portuguese guy on last night talking about this. There is a clear and obvious example to follow if they really want to get a grip on this. Drug related deaths in Portugal have fallen 10 fold over the course of their decriminalization and treatment policy.

Portugal has been discussed on this forum many times, however, the Crusties on MF don't like the idea of decriminalisation, because it doesn't play into their "fire and brimstone - hang 'em high" retributive preference of justice. 


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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

Portugal has been discussed on this forum many times, however, the Crusties on MF don't like the idea of decriminalisation, because it doesn't play into their "fire and brimstone - hang 'em high" retributive preference of justice. 


I can't be a crustie then.  I'm all in favour of decriminalisation of drugs.  Let druggies have as much as they want.  Nature will then solve the problem.

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Just now, Rog said:

I can't be a crustie then.  I'm all in favour of decriminalisation of drugs.  Let druggies have as much as they want.  Nature will then solve the problem.

See, that's what silly people would expect to happen. Take away the criminal risks of being a drug user and rather than the junkies immediately smacking themselves up to death the actual evidence suggests that they actually mange to manage their habit and cope much better.

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7 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

See, that's what silly people would expect to happen. Take away the criminal risks of being a drug user and rather than the junkies immediately smacking themselves up to death the actual evidence suggests that they actually mange to manage their habit and cope much better.

You may well be right, but even if only a few shuffle of this mortal coil it'll all be for the best.

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13 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

See, that's what silly people would expect to happen. Take away the criminal risks of being a drug user and rather than the junkies immediately smacking themselves up to death the actual evidence suggests that they actually mange to manage their habit and cope much better.


As in the Netherlands with cannabis, consumption of weed fell once the soft approach was introduced and the mystique was removed.

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4 hours ago, quilp said:


As in the Netherlands with cannabis, consumption of weed fell once the soft approach was introduced and the mystique was removed.

I suspect Richard is wrong as usual, and all of the people he would expect to be against decriminalisation will actually be in favour of it. It is simply a matter of what is likely to work and what is not.

This is a social/health problem rather than a criminal matter. Once you take away the profit motive and the fear that drives the criminal drug fraternity, the supply dies away and you can take up the problem as a health issue to assist those who need help to get off. This approach, which has resonance with the Portuguese experience, was tried in some areas of the UK in the 1960s with encouraging results, until for dark reasons the government started to follow the USA policy of official non-tolerance.

Another positive side effect would be safer streets following a steep decline in crime generally as addicts would no longer need to steal to fund a habit, and inter-gang turf wars, which are predominantly drugs related, would be no more. It's a total no-brainer.

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6 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

See, that's what silly people would expect to happen. Take away the criminal risks of being a drug user and rather than the junkies immediately smacking themselves up to death the actual evidence suggests that they actually mange to manage their habit and cope much better.


But the support services to enable them to do this come at a price.

A price the Rogers of this world (see what I did there?) are very clearly not prepared to pay.....

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