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Manx kipper enters fray in Brexit furore


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On 7/20/2019 at 8:26 AM, manxman1980 said:

And it's a UK law that insists on the plastic ice pillow not an EU one...

Glad to know that the future UK prime minister knows that...  oh wait...

Some of you spent all these years complaining how bad Manx politicians were.

In fact you never had it so good or the UK has just stooped to Manx levels!


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On a couple of points of information, does anybody know which firm sold (or supplied) the kipper that Boris has made famous?  I can't readily find out, which means their publicity department is a bit slow off the mark. 

Also, where was the kipper likely to have been caught and first landed?

Nobody seems to have told the UK media that the IOM fishing industry and presumably the 'kippers by post' suppliers have to follow EU regulations, despite IOM not being a member.

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