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Under 21? Over 5%? Sorry Mate, No Chance


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The big problem on the island is that the kids have got no selection of entertainment, so to sit up at the Rose gardens drinking is the done thing

I think that's a pretty poor excuse people use today, "The kids have nothing to do so sitting getting drunk is all they have to pass the time". When I was younger there wasn't exactly a huge amount to do but nobody I knew sat and got drunk and behaved like you see some of them do of a weekend down on the prom. Of course we all drank underage at parties when friends parents were away etc, but not the the extent that teenagers do today. I just think its society today, many kids have a very cocky attitude towards the law and with regards to respecting their elders, and know they can get away with more nowadays.

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I think that's a pretty poor excuse people use today


Damn right I might have been a bit of a teenage drinker and stuff, but it's what I chose to do. I could have done more sport, found new hobbies new interests.


I drank as a teenager because I wanted to. I didn't bother blaming a lack of things to do, there were alternative, I did it because I liked it.

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I also remember me and a mate, when we were about 9 or 10, sampling all of the home brew wine that my father kept in the attic. We guzzled a fair bit and the ones we didn't like got poured into a handy recepticle in the corner.


How was I meant to know that was our water tank? I was a drunk kid, not a plumber!

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God Ans, I used to use Trendy pop bottles too.


I always used obscure stuff that was never touched such as the cherry brandy and obscure Mediterranean tipples brought back by holidaying relatives.


I remember when the cinema was temporarily housed in the Lido.

We used to sit and watch the film and then hide in the toilets until the nightclub kicked in, saving us the stress of trying to get in under age.

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I reckon this is a bloody good thread (just like the old days) I digress.


It looks like that the consensus of opinion is


1. Enforce the current drinking laws.


2. Totally change the way Alcohol is promoted in Society and adopt a more Continental approach.


TOG I remeber as a kid nicking two bottles of my Mum and Dads home brew and hiding it on the old railway line when I took the dog for a walk in the morning. I brought these two bottles to a school disco at night acting the Mr Big. Only problem I forgot a cork screw so my mate broke off the top of the bottle and had a swig cutting his lips etc which was followed by a night at Ramsey Cottage Hospital and a lot of explaining.

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How effectiive would a total ban on alcohol advertising be?


Yes, I know the tobacco industry is still relatively healthy (scuse the pun) despite the blanket ban, but smoking is a different beast really.


I mean the ban on promotion of drinks encourging you to have a 'wkd' time, that show large groups of people having a great time smashed on Bacardi and having fantasies played out by lager manufacturers.


Don't just say 'no effect'. Qualify it.

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It would effect brewers being able to market new drinks. is that fair to a industry?

dont think it would have much of a effect on underage or binge drinking because it is a culture now every generation does it I know mine did and we drunk anything but mainly cider and I dont remember seeing any adverts for cider. there are a lot of conditions to alcohol adverts already like no cars in adverts no advertising that drink makes you pull the birds

maybe more tax is the answer you can buy 2 litres of cider for £2.

Agree that a contintental approach is better. On a school trip to France we were amazed that we could buy alcohol at 15 and went mad buying it but the local kids where used to it and didnt bother with it.

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It would effect brewers being able to market new drinks. is that fair to a industry?


I don't know. Ask the tobacco industry.


I dont remember seeing any adverts for cider.


Apart from Strongbow, I can't think of another advertiser no. But I rather suspect the price advertises itself. £2 for 2ltrs of cider is better than any advert


I wasn't aware that there were limits on advertisments though, do you have any links?

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no but I will look. it was a story I read and said it has flopped really because of the restrictions advertisers had to be clever and use weird images and the likes of guiness have become stronger by their mad adverts that they only did because they couldnt do much else!

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Apart from Strongbow, I can't think of another advertiser no.


There used to be adverts for Bulmers, Olde English, Woodpecker, Dry Blackthorn, etc? but I haven't seen any for ages. Anyone know if they are still going?




A Google shows that they are still going, along with a number of other small producers. I presume Strongbow are the only ones big enough to advertise on TV

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When I were a lad alcohol tasted like pish. Even cider made you want to shave your tongue the next morning. These days they produce drinks that are virtually indistinguishable from lemonade and fruit juices. No wonder kids are f*cked up. Too many choices. If I had access to drinks like that in my early teens I'm sure I'd have drunk a lot more too. Talk about the Tobacco Industry being sneaky - the Drinks Industry is just as calculating. So called alcopops are simply not aimed at 18 year olds. They're going for the 12 to 16 age group. A blind man could see that.


Interestingly enough, last year in Ireland the Govt put a huge tax on alcopops in an effort to make them less appealing to kids. As usual the greedy publicans bitched that it would affect their profits (it didn't) but the bottom dropped out of the alcopop market.

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all this blame on alcopops a blind man could see that all they are is ready mixed drinks its rubbish to put the blame on them.

in new zealand they call them RTDs Ready To Drink and thats all they are. lemonade and vodka already mixed so whats to stop underages getting vodka and lemonade seperately nothing.

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