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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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Just now, Max Power said:

Can't really argue with that Bob, the DoI have failed in their duty of care and need to man up and take responsibility instead of expending their energy defending the indefensible!

Thank you. From me and from the residents. 

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

An old timer of Highways Board vintage approaching retirement told me that when he was young there was a manager and a few gang leaders in his division with about 20 workers under them. Latterly there were 10 managers and 10 workers.

That, is a much more effective way to run a department! 

I am absolutely certain that this management creation programme is to provide employment for graduates and attract them back to the island? This to the detriment of providing a fully functioning department with experienced and knowledgeable people running it!

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2 hours ago, ecobob said:

I give you my word.

It wasn’t just the gap though. It was also the position of the digger that was parked on the river bank to the left of the gap. The digger acted as a dam directing the water through. 

On Monday night about fifty ton bags of sand were being uploaded. The residents assumed it was the plug the gap but instead they were unloaded into the river and created another barrier pushing more water through. 

At 12pm on Monday when person’s unknown authorised a further hole to be knocked through just after the sluice gate, within an hour the water dropped 1.5 metres down on glen road. It went from over window height on the east side to being able to see the ground again in one hour. 

If the river hadn’t been able to take it then the waters would not have subsided. 

I repeat. This was NOT a normal flood event. This was incompetence and you won’t find one person on the glen road who will tell you anything different. 

Theres only a handful of people at the moment who believe otherwise. The boss of the MUA, Dr Allinson (who was briefed by senior civil servants on what to say) and Howard Quayle. 

Why might that be? 

Come and see it. I’m the one in a hard hat and wellies shovelling shit off the road. Give me a shout. I’ll stand by my word and and anyone still let there will say the same. 

Edited to add and I know I keep repeating myself but at 7/8/9am on Tuesday when the waters were over my wellies but the road was still crossable, there wasn’t ONE drop of water coming down the road behind the gap. Not one. And in front of it a torrent. 

Bob, where did they position the bags in the river?

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9 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Bob, where did they position the bags in the river?

There is a picture somewhere that I will try and find, but it looked like they had used them to narrow the river before where the digger was positioned, presumably to divert the expected increase in water around the digger.

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3 hours ago, ecobob said:

I’m sorry Max but you are wrong. Every single person who lives in Glen Road knows that the flood water came from the unsecured gap in the wall created by the contractors. There was no water behind the gap and a torrent in front. 

The river did not rise significantly on Tuesday. It has been much worse than that in the past. 

If that gap had not been left in the wall people’s houses would not have been flooded. 

The whitewash now is because the insurance companies are going to recover their losses from the government.  

Every house on the Glen Road is looking at claims of 100k+  

As the yanks say  Do the math.  


You are also wrong about the work being done to improve the defences  the work was being done to assist the salmon to climb the river to spawn  it was an eco project  Nothing at all to do with improving defences  In fact it was just the opposite  


I think I'm right in saying aren't I that the houses on the left as going down Glen Road have never flooded before right ? Other side a whole different story . I believe. A resident dragged the powers that be up the glen the other day and showed them how bad the maintenance on clearing etc was  . Basically nothing has been done since 2015 

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Bob ..I can say I totally agree with your summery of what's happened . And as far as government trying to get out of there responsibility is just mind blowing . Utter despicable actions by all concerned..My heart goes out to all you residents  and your predicament . The pictures are there and cannot be denied . 


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20 minutes ago, trmpton said:

There is a picture somewhere that I will try and find, but it looked like they had used them to narrow the river before where the digger was positioned, presumably to divert the expected increase in water around the digger.

And presumably without filling the gap in the wall as well?  


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25 minutes ago, trmpton said:

There is a picture somewhere that I will try and find, but it looked like they had used them to narrow the river before where the digger was positioned, presumably to divert the expected increase in water around the digger.

Or to keep the digger from any potential rise in the water? 

You're right. The sand bags were placed in the river.

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