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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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On 10/3/2019 at 4:24 PM, Billy One Mate said:

Has anybody reported the flooding to HSI as a serious incident. It appears that both the hole in the wall and the digger in the river were a contributory factor to the serious flooding and therefore this work has put both property and life at risk and as such is reportable under the Health and Safety Act as a dangerous occurrence. 


How would one go about reporting the incident as you have suggested?  

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1 hour ago, ecobob said:

The sluice gate was reported on the 19th September as a serious flood risk and the matter was in hand. Sadly not soon enough. 

How would one go about reporting the incident as you have suggested?  

It would be better if efforts were made to learn from this by investigating rather than pointing the finger of blame. 

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9 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

It would be better if efforts were made to learn from this by investigating rather than pointing the finger of blame. 

But nothing was apparently learned from the events of December 2015. Fallen tree debris from that event, as pointed out by residents, was never cleared. Perhaps instead of buying pepper pot lighthouses, they could have bought a few chainsaws, paid for some training and put some fuel in trucks to get it shifted?

FFS, they even put further obstruction in the course of the river's flow by constructing a new salmon weir which is what the digger was doing there in the first instance.

Far from "pointing the finger of blame", it's high time somebody was hung out to dry - by the gonads. People have had their homes and a part of their lives ruined. Only by grace of God have we no loss of life.

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6 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

But nothing was apparently learned from the events of December 2015. Fallen tree debris from that event, as pointed out by residents, was never cleared. Perhaps instead of buying pepper pot lighthouses, they could have bought a few chainsaws, paid for some training and put some fuel in trucks to get it shifted?

FFS, they even put further obstruction in the course of the river's flow by constructing a new salmon weir which is what the digger was doing there in the first instance.

Far from "pointing the finger of blame", it's high time somebody was hung out to dry - by the gonads. People have had their homes and a part of their lives ruined. Only by grace of God have we no loss of life.

That is exactly what I am saying. They need to seriously consider what is going on and learn lessons that will help in the future.

The building or rebuilding  of the weir makes sense in so far as Laxey means Salmon River, doesn’t it ?.

As far back as house building goes, building a dwelling by a river seems like a dream and I would love to have that. But that dwelling not being much above river height, will ALWAYS be at risk when weather can’t ever be predicted.

This has happened several times in Laxey, Sulby, Ballasalla etc etc. 

I feel very sorry for what must be heartbreaking for those families, but blaming somebody changes nothing.



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I'm pretty sure that salmon have managed to successfully navigate the Laxey river for thousands of years without the assistance of a water-obstructing line of tote bags full of local rock?

The Sulby flooding incident of 1998(?) was reputedly caused by some clown erroneously opening the floodgate on the Sulby dam. Again, further exacerbated by failure to dredge the river further downstream towards the Sulby bridge. After the event they dredged it and guess what? It hasn't flooded since.

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I'd be interested to know how the existence of a Garff "local government" has in any way helped the people of Garff who have been hit by flooding? What is the point of paying rates if central government are the ones sorting things out? If we did away with local government, everybody could pay less rates and see no reduction in service.

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Thankfully nobody injured physically , mentally I'm sure there is ! But what if someone had lost their life ....Ohhh government woukd never get away with what's gone on.. As it stands they will not take the blame and again no heads will roll. I would think it's not the contractors fault as I'm sure he only followed contract requirements . 

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23 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

I'd be interested to know how the existence of a Garff "local government" has in any way helped the people of Garff who have been hit by flooding? What is the point of paying rates if central government are the ones sorting things out? If we did away with local government, everybody could pay less rates and see no reduction in service.

i think they blew all the cash on merry christmas from garff commisioners signs.

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19 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

I would think it's not the contractors fault as I'm sure he only followed contract requirements . 

And part of the contract would be a thorough risk assessment and plans put in place should a yellow weather warning arise. 

Leaving a digger in the river downstream of the 3 metre hole in the flood defence and not plugging up the flood defence the night before a yellow weather warning would not constitute a thorough risk assessment innit humble opinion.  

This is not about pointing the finger of blame this is about drawing attention to a HUGE error of judgment on the part of the contractor and their employers, IOM government. 

As before, if high tide had been forecast at 7/8/9am on Monday morning then the whole of Lower Laxey would have been washed away and loss of life would almost certainly have occurred. This is not for sweeping under the carpet. Not this time. 

River management, tree management, flood defences all need attention. The banks on the opposite side of the river have now collapsed. 

The residents will give them a chance to do as they say they are going to do but they will have every resident breathing down their neck from now on and checking that they are following the recommendations from the 2019 river survey. 

So don’t preach to me about not pointing the finger of blame. Unless you live with your head in the sand you will know that the only way to get them to do what they should be doing is to shame them into it. I wish it weren’t the case but it is  

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