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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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1 hour ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Reading IOM online the blame game has well and truly started. They’re all pointing fingers at everyone else in an attempt to avoid what looks to be a clear liability for someone as the insurers of the damaged properties are going to want to recover off someone the minute it’s suggested that the construction works could have caused it. So regardless of IOMG saying “It isn’t important who is to blame its about fixing the problem” it is actually going to be very important as to who is to blame as this could easily be a multi million pound claim against someone. It’s not just a random natural disaster. 


You got it. 

We started off dodgy you and I. 

Glad you saw sense in the end. 


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15 minutes ago, WTF said:

the hole in the wall gang do seem to be the ones who's actions are to blame,  just cos someone may have said do it this way doesn't make it right,  good job no one told them to put their hands in a fire.   i guess you could say the dam excavator was to blame?

Well hopefully they have an email / written instruction instructing them to do whatever they did from whoever their contract was with to rely on otherwise I’d say they might be screwed as it’s going to be a big claim and I’m sure the house insurers will be looking for recovery to limit their losses if they think it’s not just a case of an natural disaster.

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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1 hour ago, WTF said:

ah goody,  someone to blame.

This now not about having someone to blame. This is about someone else being responsible and blaming it on someone else. 

This someone else is our government. 

They lie to us constantly and when we discover the truth it’s usually years down the line once the heat is off.

This time it’s different. This time they’re were caught on the hop by the speed of things (rather like the residents of glen road on Tuesday morning) And they’ve got in a bit of a flluster. The tv coverage and world attention has thrown them into a spin. Tuesday we had the Police Sergeant of Laxey telling us on tv that tje hole and the digger caused it then the next day the story changed  

Do you really believe that Dr Allinson (who actually really is a good guy) believed what he said on air? We’re they his words?  We’re they buggery. I know this. I saw it in his face when I asked him. 

This time we’ve actually got them on record seriously fucking it up and as The Sultan has pointed out - why? 

Two reasons. One because of the insurance implications.

Two to avoid litigation suits from interested parties  (like the ones currently swimming in shit - of the brown smelly variety  

Three because they know they’ve fucked up and they’re embarrassed about it because this has been broadcast throughout the world stage  

And four because, well, this is what they always do and and they’ve always got away with it and why should this time be any different. 

This is our government.   

This time it is different. This time the people of Laxey know what has happened. And it’s not bloody right. And it keeps on happening. 

I am now off to the Mines. 


Edited by ecobob
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14 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Well hopefully they have an email / written instruction instructing them to do whatever they did from whoever their contract was with to rely on otherwise I’d say they might be screwed as it’s going to be a big claim and I’m sure the house insurers will be looking for recovery to limit their losses if they think it’s not just a case of an natural disaster.

Well that could be key ..As goverment departments are all denying blame it woukd seem whosever name is on the contract must be first in line ?? Really can't see contractors just doing it on the fly.. must have been instructions and job description and scale of works surely ? 


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14 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Well hopefully they have an email / written instruction instructing them to do whatever they did from whoever their contract was with to rely on otherwise I’d say they might be screwed as it’s going to be a big claim and I’m sure the house insurers will be looking for recovery to limit their losses if they think it’s not just a case of an natural disaster.

Not just that. This is them protecting their homes. With this kind of payout (and it will be huge) there’s a chance premiums will soar and even that they cannot get insured again. There is one English man on the road who was not able to insure his house as it is too close to the river. 

If this gets logged as ‘a flood’ there’s far more to it than just the term itself. 

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29 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Besides pumping millions of gallons of water over the hill from the sulby reservoir you couldn't actually do more if the intention was to cause a flood than the mua have done here. They are going to need at least a couple of name changes and rebrands after this one.


All those new letterheads.. again...

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52 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Ecobob enjoy your well earned pint or three ...and your right for once they have been caught out big time ..lying bastards . Would be interesting to hear John Wrights opinion !

you'll be waiting a while. he's not really a boat rocker when it comes down to it, especially against government.

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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

Well that could be key ..As goverment departments are all denying blame it woukd seem whosever name is on the contract must be first in line ?? Really can't see contractors just doing it on the fly.. must have been instructions and job description and scale of works surely ? 


My experience is that the contractors just do exactly what they are told by the govt agency, even if they know, and have actually pointed out, that it’s going wrong. 

Remember that the govt is the hand that feeds, and making them look incompetent isn’t good business practice. 

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11 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

My experience is that the contractors just do exactly what they are told by the govt agency, even if they know, and have actually pointed out, that it’s going wrong. 

Remember that the govt is the hand that feeds, and making them look incompetent isn’t good business practice. 

That's how I see it too...

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44 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

Get the prisoners out to clear the roads and clearance, I bet they would be glad of the work and putting something back in the tax payers purse, the purse that keeps them fed and looked after.

Or get the Civil servants out, I bet they would be glad of the work and putting something back in the tax payers purse, the purse that keeps them fed and looked after.

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