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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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It comes to something now when we have charitable organisations rattling the tin for something that IOM Government should clearly be doing. It’s embarrassing that local residents have to take it upon themselves to raise money for incidentals for residents. I can’t help but wonder if there was a major disaster or incident which affecting a part of the agricultural community, I’m sure Government will have Civil Servants processing hardship payments. 

Handwringing is IOMGs speciality and buck passing whilst they all squabble who is to blame. Whilst it’s worth noting from other posts that this flooding has received worldwide tv/press exposure, it’s exposure of the wrong variety and it’s the second time in less than 5 years that the same area has been badly

Lessons are never learned, and it’s unlikely they will be with the outright clowns with have permeating within our society, in particular running our utilities and infrastructure - the we know best types. 

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4 hours ago, CharlieBrown said:

Or get the Civil servants out, I bet they would be glad of the work and putting something back in the tax payers purse, the purse that keeps them fed and looked after.

Actually a good idea. 
I propose that the Starship Enterprise should devote a weekend, for example, doing remedial works or tidying up their beloved TT Grandstand - it’s hardly looking clean and tidy. I’m sure between Skelly, Callister, the Fantastically  paid Motorsports Team and it’s pen and paper clip pushers, I’m sure the advertising boards and scoreboard etc could be made to look better. 

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Householders will claim on their insurers and the insurers will claim on the MUA. Lessons will be learned but there'll be nothing to see and sideways or upwards promotions will ensue.

The one thing that is certain is that MUA customers i.e. all of us will end up paying for it, one way or another.

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House insurances are complex when they are UK sold and may involve Isle of Man law. Takes time to investigate and more time to prepare a case in Manx law. Personally, having viewed some of the evidence so far, I'd give it another few weeks before the government think they might get away scot-free on this one. This one is on a scale I suspect even the mighteous government incompetent will not wriggle out of. Insurance payouts at this level always seek to identify blame if it is at hand.

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On 10/4/2019 at 8:09 PM, Derek Flint said:

My experience is that the contractors just do exactly what they are told by the govt agency, even if they know, and have actually pointed out, that it’s going wrong. 

Remember that the govt is the hand that feeds, and making them look incompetent isn’t good business practice. 

One should look closely at the planning application as well.

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On 10/4/2019 at 8:09 PM, Derek Flint said:

My experience is that the contractors just do exactly what they are told by the govt agency, even if they know, and have actually pointed out, that it’s going wrong. 

Remember that the govt is the hand that feeds, and making them look incompetent isn’t good business practice. 

Any contractor worth their salt should carry out their own DD, commit it to paper and make sure the other party gets a copy and acknowledges receipt. Never, ever rely on verbal communication.

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5 hours ago, Alex said:

That isn’t the planning application for these recents works. That planning application from 2017 was about repairs. 

The planning application for the ‘Eco project’ that began in August 2019 was to create a salmon ladder to help the salmon spawn up river. 

There doesn’t seem to be a planning application for it and as the MHK reported,  no one in government seems to know who authorised it. 

It was the Eco Project contractors who cut the hole in the wall (In August) to get their digger down. 

You know the rest. 

Edited by ecobob
To add last sentence.
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4 minutes ago, ecobob said:

That isn’t the planning application for these recents works. That planning application from 2017 was about repairs. 


Interesting. Amongst the docs on that planning app is an email dated 26 November 2018 stating that:

"The works have now been pushed back to next summer we can only carry out the work between July and September due to DEFA fisheries restrictions."

So the timing seems right... Makes you wonder? Part of the reason for it also seems to fit (1700471B Officer Report):

2.1 Manx Utilities Authority seek full planning approval for repairs and to reconstruct part of a weir and weir face within the Laxey River. The works are a continuation of the works approved under 15/00502 the include infilling of the existing fish boxes on the weir, installation of 3 groynes with stone infill and a fish passage from the weir to the last of the groynes.

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33 minutes ago, ecobob said:

One of the residents on the road has put in a FOI request asking for the full risk assessment by the contractors. It will be interesting to see what comes back. 

What are the odds that it'll be refused?

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