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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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On 10/9/2019 at 9:55 AM, slinkydevil said:

Exactly the opposite of what Dr Allinson said on the radio.

If you had seen his face when he repeated the same then you would know that the words had been put in his mouth and it didn’t sit well with him at all. A good man lying is easy to spot. It’s the bad ones we need to watch out for. 

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1 hour ago, Dougie said:

 I am the Chief Expert, appointed by the Chief Secretary as requested by the Chief Minister. Every couple of months, clear the river of fallen trees and such rubbish and don't knock holes in the wall. That'll be £50k, please

If you could add repairing the river defences on both sides of the river and the clearing out of the ditches, water grids and soakaways with the creation of a few more in danger spots and a system of maintenance to ensure they’re kept clear then how about we round your fee up to a nice round figure of 200k? How does that sound?  

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Dr Henrietta Ewart, Director of Public Health, Department of Health and Social Care hits the nail on  the head in her evidence to the SOCIAL AFFAIRS POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE (02.09.19)

"I hope I am not talking out of turn, I am speaking very bluntly, there is a big history on this Island – and it is not unique to this Island – of writing very nice documents that have perfectly reasonable objectives in them, but absolutely nothing happens as a result."

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15 minutes ago, ecobob said:

If you had seen his face when he repeated the same to me then you would know that the words had been put in his mouth and it didn’t sit well with him at all. A good man lying is easy to spot. It’s the bad ones we need to watch out for. 

If it didn't sit well with him then why did he say it?

Being a politician is no excuse (or is it?)

Maybe he should go back to smiling at people and telling them "take a couple of aspirins and it will be fine".

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I think it's symptomatic of all these Departmental Heads. Harmer's the same at DOI. They only say what they're told and know what they're allowed to know by their respective executive grades, who they reasonably rely on to run things.

But when things go pear shaped and the body swerving starts these execs are proving that they'll say anything and let their respective ministers be made to look stupid in the name of saving their own skins.

An MUA contractor has fooked up big time. The detail of how and why will be in that contractor's instruction from MUA. That is inescapable. With luck, questions will also be asked as to why previous maintenance wasn't carried out too. That might be revealing as well.

Edited by Non-Believer
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51 minutes ago, ecobob said:

If you could add repairing the river defences on both sides of the river and the clearing out of the ditches, water grids and soakaways with the creation of a few more in danger spots and a system of maintenance to ensure they’re kept clear then how about we round your fee up to a nice round figure of 200k? How does that sound?  

That'll do nicely, thanks

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I cant understand why Politicians who come and go every five years feel its their duty to protect incompetence within their Department. I thought they were put there to represent the Electorate. For me they would get a hell of a lot more respect if they said it as it was and stopped defending the indefensible. No different to the Promenade fiasco. Does anybody know if this matter has been reported to the HSI as a dangerous occurrence putting property and lives at risk? If there is a direct link between the actions of the MUA and the flooding to the properties they are the boys who will uncover it being able to request the risk assessments and method statements for the work being undertaken in the river.

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16 minutes ago, Billy One Mate said:

I cant understand why Politicians who come and go every five years feel its their duty to protect incompetence within their Department. I thought they were put there to represent the Electorate. For me they would get a hell of a lot more respect if they said it as it was and stopped defending the indefensible. No different to the Promenade fiasco. Does anybody know if this matter has been reported to the HSI as a dangerous occurrence putting property and lives at risk? If there is a direct link between the actions of the MUA and the flooding to the properties they are the boys who will uncover it being able to request the risk assessments and method statements for the work being undertaken in the river.

That's one train of thought I suppose.

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On 10/9/2019 at 12:05 PM, Billy One Mate said:

I cant understand why Politicians who come and go every five years feel its their duty to protect incompetence within their Department. I thought they were put there to represent the Electorate. For me they would get a hell of a lot more respect if they said it as it was and stopped defending the indefensible.

Billy, they step into the limelight that first time they enter the House of Keys, invested by The First Deemster no less, who they will soon be on first name terms with, and to fawn upon forever. In turn there is a legion of well paid and pensioned civil servants who will fawn over them. Suddenly there are people tripping over their every word. opening doors for them - literally and metaphorically .

Those people from whom were pleading for a vote, just a matter of days (but it will seem oh so much longer) can..well...fuck off I suppose.

I've seen it once....I've seen it over a 100 times.

Peter Karran only had a Dolphin Swimming Certificate, but he was one of the few who had a backbone and a conscience (that couldn't be 'bought')

Edited by gettafa
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6 hours ago, ecobob said:

Dr Henrietta Ewart, Director of Public Health, Department of Health and Social Care hits the nail on  the head in her evidence to the SOCIAL AFFAIRS POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE (02.09.19)

"I hope I am not talking out of turn, I am speaking very bluntly, there is a big history on this Island – and it is not unique to this Island – of writing very nice documents that have perfectly reasonable objectives in them, but absolutely nothing happens as a result."

I thought they plagiarised all their documents? 

Wigan had a flood recently?

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6 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I think it's symptomatic of all these Departmental Heads. Harmer's the same at DOI. They only say what they're told and know what they're allowed to know by their respective executive grades, who they reasonably rely on to run things.

But when things go pear shaped and the body swerving starts these execs are proving that they'll say anything and let their respective ministers be made to look stupid in the name of saving their own skins.

An MUA contractor has fooked up big time. The detail of how and why will be in that contractor's instruction from MUA. That is inescapable. With luck, questions will also be asked as to why previous maintenance wasn't carried out too. That might be revealing as well.

It is called collective responsibility and the backbone that ties our department heads our government together, it is the only backbone they have.

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Daffers C. now reiterating that this and previous Govts commission and receive large numbers of reports and then do FA with them, citing the report into the 2015 flooding event and the lack of action that followed with the exception of the (high profile) bridge renewal, complete with pepper pots of course.

Maybe the house on the hill is starting to twig on to what everybody else has known for years.

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On 10/11/2019 at 7:50 AM, Albert Tatlock said:

So govt 'apologises'...what does that mean...if not acceptance of they being the cause?

They played a blinder last night. A panel of government and commissioners’ representatives. 

There was a crowd of 200+ angry residents and more outside not able to enter due to the Pavilion exceeding their fire risk numbers. 

It was an excellent presentation headed up by Dr A that just went to show what the government can do when they know a multi million pound lawsuit is approaching.  

The residents arrived angry, disillusioned and ready for battle but in the week that passed from Dr A telling lies about the cause of the flood, the senior civil servants had got together and had taken every single point (including those made on MF) and put in plans for action for all of them. Every single point was addressed and every single speaker gave a hand wringing apology for what happened last week. 

It was a ‘hearts and mind’ campaign designed to take, firstly, the wind from the residents’ wings and secondly to deny and liability for their actions. 

To answer your question Albert, the government took total responsibility for the ‘flood’ last week but denied liability. 

The whole exercise was to designed to deny liability. This is not unsurprising.  It’s what we are all advised to do after an ‘accidents’. 

They hoped, and seemed fairly satisfied that their action plan would silence the people and, while it is wonderful to see government working together to make such a comprehensive plan in just one week, the question was asked by a resident why, if they knew all what needed to be done, wasn’t this implemented after the floods of 2015. 

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