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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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4 hours ago, WTF said:

its called lip service so they look like they give a toss.

It was more than that. 

This was the government being embarrassed world wide about their incompetence. This was the government being ‘found out’ about diverting huge sums of money to vanity projects and trips across the world to ‘sell’ IOM LTD’ to wealthy countries to convince them of our money making, profit hiding systems, when, due to world wide coverage that proved that we cant even look our own never mind the wealth of others.  


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7 minutes ago, ecobob said:

 the question was asked by a lady resident why, if they knew all what needed to be done, wasn’t this implemented after the floods of 2015. 

Was that question answered though? Or would have doing so been an admission of liability?

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Daffers C. now reiterating that this and previous Govts commission and receive large numbers of reports and then do FA with them, citing the report into the 2015 flooding event and the lack of action that followed with the exception of the (high profile) bridge renewal, complete with pepper pots of course.

Maybe the house on the hill is starting to twig on to what everybody else has known for years.

DC was an embarrassment last night. I was so disappointed with her response. I voted for DV because she was supported by Dudley Butt, a man who I respect but last night hearing her speak in public for the first time I was excruciatingly embarrassed for her. 

You are right. The bridge is not fit for purpose. One man who knows the sea and the tides pointed out that had there been a 30 metre tide last Tuesday at the time of the ‘flood’ then the whole of Lower Laxey would have been washed away with considerable loss of life. 

He also pointed out that there is a considerable difference in height from the east side of the bridge to the west  

But no matter, the government are still bringing in an ‘independent’ expert who has dealt with floods in Cockermouth to make a report on what has happened here.

So that’s alright then.   




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3 minutes ago, ecobob said:

DC was an embarrassment last night. I was so disappointed with her response. I voted for DV because she was supported by Dudley Butt, a man who I respect but last night hearing her speak in public for the first time I was excruciatingly embarrassed for her. 

You are right. The bridge is not fit for purpose. One man who knows the sea and the tides pointed out that had there been a 30 metre tide last Tuesday at the time of the ‘flood’ then the whole of Lower Laxey would have been washed away with considerable loss of life. 

He also pointed out that there is a considerable difference in height from the east side of the bridge to the west  

But no matter, the government are still bringing in an ‘independent’ expert who has dealt with floods in Cockermouth to make a report on what has happened here.

So that’s alright then.   




30 meter tide???  Has that ever happened around the island coastline.

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On 10/11/2019 at 3:05 PM, Non-Believer said:

Was that question answered though? Or would have doing so been an admission of liability?. It was answered as, ‘we’re sorry, we got it wrong, lessons have been learned, more will be done in the future’ 

They are not going to admit liability. Not ever. There were loads of insurance loss adjusters there last night. Despite the governments’ slick presentation, they  still plan to issue law suits against them and recover losses  

As I said last week. This is the first time we’ve caught them in action. Lying, covering, changing, organising a hearts and minds’ campaign. 

A resident  stood up last night and called them out on their bullshit. She said that the presentation was slick and designed to take the heat off. She said that Dr A was one of the ones who we trusted , one of the ‘good guys’ and he lied to us and was continuing to lie to us to avoid the government  being held responsible for the flooding of the residents’ homes. ’ He was white in the face and totally unable to stumble through an answer. It was hugely embarrassing to the whole panel. They were all shamefaced 

Interestingly for all the reports of last night’s meeting on all media channels, this resident’s comments have been omitted. Left out, they do not exist. 

Funny that ...

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Nothing's gonna change on this Island unless the lazy and disinterested population drags itself out of its cower and cap-doffing to cheap suits and ties and embarks on some proper activism. Until us passive and supine yokels start protesting out of the realms of public forums and newspaper columns and take it to the streets, we'll all continue to be rightly shafted by the manx establishment strap-on.

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I understand that a "flood expert" consultant is being engaged from across. Apparently he was heavily involved in the Carlisle floods of 2005, 2009 and 2015 and the Cockermouth floods of 2009 and 2015. So is he going to be overseeing the Laxey floods of 2020, 2023 and 2025?

I must admit, I'd be a lot more impressed if he was only involved in one episode at each location.

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19 minutes ago, quilp said:

Nothing's gonna change on this Island unless the lazy and disinterested population drags itself out of its cower and cap-doffing to cheap suits and ties and embarks on some proper activism. Until us passive and supine yokels start protesting out of the realms of public forums and newspaper columns and take it to the streets, we'll all continue to be rightly shafted by the manx establishment strap-on.

They knew this last night. They knew that for all their suits and their apologies and their slick presentation, that the residents of Laxey had them sussed. As one woman who questioned them said, “The reason. you have finally started working together and have come up with this comprehensive plan is not because you care about the residents of Glen Road but because you are scared witless that you’re going to be sued! 


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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

Why did they break that hole in the wall? Why didn't they take their equipment in from the other side of the river?

Do you mean the first hole, the second hole or the third? 

I’m guessing you mean the first? 

I understand that it was created in that particular place because it was the lowest point in the river to get the digger down. 

There was a question last night about why the opposite side of the bank wasn’t used to access the river as it had always been used in the past.  Ray Harmer said he would look into it and add the question to the review. 

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39 minutes ago, ecobob said:

Do you mean the first hole, the second hole or the third? 

I’m guessing you mean the first? 

I understand that it was created in that particular place because it was the lowest point in the river to get the digger down. 

There was a question last night about why the opposite side of the bank wasn’t used to access the river as it had always been used in the past.  Ray Harmer said he would look into it and add the question to the review. 

Harmer asking the question. Luck doesn't get any better for Laxey does it?

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1 hour ago, ecobob said:

They knew this last night. They knew that for all their suits and their apologies and their slick presentation, that the residents of Laxey had them sussed. As one woman who questioned them said, “The reason. you have finally started working together and have come up with this comprehensive plan is not because you care about the residents of Glen Road but because you are scared witless that you’re going to be sued! 


And she'd be right. The different agencies involved ought to be organising a weekly progress meeting with those affected regardless of the blame game. How long will this comprehensive plan of theirs take to initiate? Wish I'd been there. Will there be other meetings? Keep the updates coming Bob.

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Like the others he was totally out of his depth last night. The audience could see his exhaustion. One of them asked why, yesterday, tons and tons of river rocks had been deposited on the beach and wearily he replied that he was going down to look at them RIGHT AWAY!  

He didn’t leave but it got the biggest laugh of the night. 

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

And she'd be right. The different agencies involved ought to be organising a weekly progress meeting with those affected regardless of the blame game. How long will this comprehensive plan of theirs take to initiate? Wish I'd been there. Will there be other meetings? Keep the updates coming Bob.

The questions that kept coming up time and time again were, ‘ what is the timescale? Is there an action plan for this? Will we be kept informed of the timescale for these works to be carried out? 

All these questions were diverted by responses of ‘we have to wait for the independent review. These timescales will be determined  by the independent review, it’s too soon to give timescales’. 

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