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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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6 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

A 3 year £5m process before that single, sub-contracted worker can even set foot in a river? 


Don't forget a dedicated letter shredder department plus management team  for the complaints and suggestions, (after they've been sent across for training).

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And there'd have to be the Environmental Wing to raise objections to the waterway clearance and maintenance work on the grounds that it's removing natural environment used by beetles and grubs found absolutely nowhere else on the planet. At all. Ever.

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3 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

Don't forget a dedicated letter shredder department plus management team  for the complaints and suggestions, (after they've been sent across for training).

Not to mention an island wide 2 year review and public consultation beforehand - a team of say 30 people to set up focus groups overseen by a prominent person (knighthood or Lordship say @ £800k) and his team who can all stay at the Sefton  with travel expenses paid all round. Think of the kudos !

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5 hours ago, Out of the blue said:

To be fair, the government have finally been releasing the funds to deal with issues that have crept up over the many years of neglect. My only complaint in this regard is that they are using private contractors who charge extortionate amounts and who's work is variable in quality. I am going against my anti government bloat instinct to instead prefer a adequately funded specialist river works and maintenance department under the control of a single body, who could proactively address river way maintenance. This coupled with a legal remit and powers to compel private landowners to address any issues on their river banks. 

Of course, people wittering on about 'bloat' and how wonderful the private sector is at everything contributed to government throwing out the baby with the bathwater, as it were. Too much ideology in politics, rather than evidence based policies, brings poor results. cf Serco's track & trace. Knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing does not make for good governance.

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15 minutes ago, asitis said:

Okay, we can do without the worker !

Yes, get rid and take on another manager to replace him, the office needs a paperclip and stationery administrator. One of the existing chaps conveniently has a mate who needs a job too.

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