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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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So....what we're looking at here is a section of a river with a known and recently proven flooding reputation which therefore has a requirement to be kept as clear as possible in order that increasingly(?) heavy rainfall, a symptom of changing climate, can be allowed to run off safely.

So what do we do? We partially dam the river with a weir construction to aid salmon runs and consider a concrete structure in the path of the river, with no apparent current purpose, to be more important that the threat to houses and homes along the sides of the river's route from flooding.

Further to that, we neglect the build up of fallen trees and other debris along the river's path.

After all that, some people behind the above will still deny any responsibility, will dream up all manner of excuses and will still wonder why the river burst its banks and flooded homes.

Edited by Non-Believer
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1 hour ago, ecobob said:

At 7am this morning the river waters were only 5cms from the bottom of the new bridge. Had the full force of the river reached it at 10.30 am without the diversion down the road then the bridge would have been at best submerged and at worst, gone. 


Submerged, yes. Gone? It does allow a lot more flow through than the old bridge and it seemed at the time to be constructed robustly. Plenty of bridges encounter rivers in flood and survive. Why should the new one in Laxey not do so? It's a very different proposition to the old one.

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19 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

So....what we're looking at here is a section of a river with a known and recently proven flooding reputation which therefore has a requirement to be kept as clear as possible in order that increasingly(?) heavy rainfall, a symptom of changing climate, can be allowed to run off safely.

So what do we do? We partially dam the river with a weir construction to aid salmon runs and consider a concrete structure in the path of the river, with no apparent current purpose, to be more important that the threat to houses and homes along the sides of the river's route from flooding.

Further to that, we neglect the build up of fallen trees and other debris along the river's path.

After all that, some people behind the above will still deny any responsibility, will dream up all manner of excuses and will still wonder why the river burst its banks and flooded homes.

You’ve got it in one. Let’s see what happens tomorrow when HRH Quayle arrives to visit the residents 

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

Submerged, yes. Gone? It does allow a lot more flow through than the old bridge and it seemed at the time to be constructed robustly. Plenty of bridges encounter rivers in flood and survive. Why should the new one in Laxey not do so? It's a very different proposition to the old one.

I’m not sure Woolley. The heavy force down Glen road flowed straight to the harbour. The river met it at the corner before the Shore Hotel. The two combined were a heady force. Had it been high tide there was nowhere for them both to go and the bridge would have had to act as a buffer. I hope you’re right and you know more than I do but perhaps also you would have needed to experience it first hand to see my point. 

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Clear and unimpeded waterways are going to have to become a ‘thing’  as weather events become more prevalent. Whereas spawning salmon and all that is lovely, but we have to get the water out and away. 

Around 1952, Valencia was inundated by a catastrophic flood. As a result, they diverted 5km of major river around the city into huge, wide storm-capable channels. The old river bed became an incredible city park. 

The landscape is going to have to change if we are going to protect dwellings to the extent needed. It won’t always be pretty but if it does the job, and avoids the misery this causes then how can this be a bad thing?

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1 hour ago, MrPB said:

That’s Tim Baker fucked then


Harmer will be dodging this bullet. 

Two bullets for TB then. Firstly as DOI member then secondly as continuing DEFA member he can find out which clown decided to partially dam the river in the name of a salmon weir.

Govt silo-ism is the problem here, when highly paid enviromental and conservation zealotry takes precedence over practicality. And common sense.

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11 hours ago, ecobob said:

Then came the hole in the wall. This hole was made by the contractors brought in to deal with the ecology project enabling the spawning of fish in Laxey River.

Last night, despite the yellow weather warning, the hole was left open with no attempt to secure it from rising waters  





35 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Send in a doctor. . . . a spin doctor.

Manx Radio

Hang on a minute the Ginger one said the hole was shored up and has nothing to do with the flooding. It was the rain. :lol:

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The ginger one will spout what he's told by his departmental CEs. As they all do. In the meantime the ducking and dodging manoeuvres will begin, culminating in nobody to blame and "lessons will be learned".

Then it's back to business as normal. Unfortunately not for some time for residents of Glen Rd.

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