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Laxey flooding

the stinking enigma

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11 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

The hole was in the lowest part of the road, right in the dip, obviously to make it easier to get the digger down. You'd have thought it may have occurred to somebody that it could lead to problems

thinking isn't their strong point...

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19 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

thinking isn't their strong point...

Thinking isn’t part of Dr Allinsons strong point I’m afraid. It’s unedifying quite frankly Government blame game. It wasn’t Laxey Residents fault - but I’m sure some smart arsed Government idiot will blame them for buying property in a flood risk area. Asking the State to remedy the problem is a laugh, they make it worse and create 3 or 4 additional problems. Still Laxey can look forward to a Royal Visit today, with HRH The Chief Minister and his entourage visiting the affected areas. A photo opportunity or two for Caine and Perkins. 

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49 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Why would they be building a salmon weir at this time of year? The salmon will be running, there were loads of both salmon and sea trout in Peel harbour the other week, waiting for rain, i'd assume they'd be waiting to go up the 'salmon river' too.

Ooh, that must be why there was some guys doing 'big net' fishing off Peel beach - never seen that before on the island

I'd have left the salmon to go up the river to spawn myself

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55 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

The ginger one will spout what he's told by his departmental CEs. As they all do. In the meantime the ducking and dodging manoeuvres will begin, culminating in nobody to blame and "lessons will be learned".

Then it's back to business as normal. Unfortunately not for some time for residents of Glen Rd.

Dr Allinson did say that MUA accepted some of the responsibility for what happened - so that's progress

Presumably the rest was God's fault

Edited by Donald Trumps
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58 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Why would they be building a salmon weir at this time of year? The salmon will be running, there were loads of both salmon and sea trout in Peel harbour the other week, waiting for rain, i'd assume they'd be waiting to go up the 'salmon river' too.

Perhaps they fancied a bit of salmon fishing with a digger?  

Just get them all racing upstream and straight into the digger bucket and scoop them off into wagon! Make a fortune! 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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30 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

Surprised the law allows you to catch spawning salmon

You are not supposed to take the piss is the situation


From April 2012, anglers in possession of an Other Waters Licence are permitted to catch and kill a maximum of 3 fish each day, of which no more than 1 may be a salmon or a sea trout. Anglers are not permitted to continue to fish after capturing and killing the daily bag limit and must cease fishing immediately once a salmon or migratory trout has been caught and retained.

All eels must be returned alive immediately.


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3 hours ago, slinkydevil said:


Hang on a minute the Ginger one said the hole was shored up and has nothing to do with the flooding. It was the rain. :lol:

That is untrue. The digger was left in the river and the hole was unsecured. The digger acted as a dam, the water built up and diverted onto the road. 

No water whatsoever was on the road before the hole but there was plenty in front of it. 

This was not a flooding incident due to the rain. There has been sustained rain over days before and it has not caused flooding. This was incompetence. 

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3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Why would they be building a salmon weir at this time of year? The salmon will be running, there were loads of both salmon and sea trout in Peel harbour the other week, waiting for rain, i'd assume they'd be waiting to go up the 'salmon river' too.

Exactly. Totally the wrong time of year to build a ‘salmon ladder’ and to leave a flood defence barrier open. 

Just watch now as they start blame shifting. It will be the trees in the sluice gate that were to blame. They did contribute to back up certainly but they were assisted by a huge great fucking hole in the flood defence wall. This was authorised by a government department and carried out by the contractor. It wasn't the rain fall, it wasn’t the trees, it wasn’t the residents it was that fucking hole! Why won’t they just admit it? 

Anyway. Huge lawsuit coming their way from the insurers. Let’s see them wriggle their way out of that one. 

Edited by ecobob
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