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Turkey begins invasion of Kurdish territory

Rushen Spy

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Turkey launches ground offensive in northern Syria

Turkey has launched a ground offensive in northern Syria, hours after its warplanes and artillery began hitting territory held by Kurdish-led forces.






Turkey launches offensive against U.S.-allied Kurdish forces in northern Syria

ISTANBUL — Turkey’s government launched a long-expected offensive into northeastern Syria on Wednesday, with airstrikes and shelling targeting Syrian Kurdish fighters who have played a central role in aiding the U.S.-led battle against the Islamic State militant group. 

The operation — with some ground forces crossing the border later — came just days after President Trump’s startling announcement that the United States would not stand in Turkey’s way, bringing sharp rebukes from even the president’s Republican allies.



Trump's second foreign policy mistake (the first being the brief appointment of chickenhawk John Bolton).

Western policy in the Middle East should be to arm the Kurds to the teeth and stay out of the place.

If the Kurds were able to establish an independent sovereign nation, it would bring much-needed stability to the region.

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10 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

American troops should never have been in Syria in the first place. We can play games all you want. They were there illegally. Not to fight ISIS. I mean, come on.

I agree.

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9 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

The Kurds helped the us defeat isis. It's just they are still alive, as "prisoners".Syria and russia defeated isis, and for that we should show a little gratitude.

The reason I like the Kurds is because they're defined by a national cause, not religious whackery.

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It's religious whackery as well. It premeates all those useless and wasteful Middle East wars. Sunni Turkey, Shia Iran, Sunni Syria, Shia Iraq, staunchly wahabist Saudi Arabia... Most people in the West are unaware the effect this 14 century-old schism within islam has on the various conflicts. There's been a proxy war going on between the main protagonists, Iran and Saudi Arabia, for decades. The early 20th century saw this schism explode in violence and death as Western arms manufacturers sold their wares to whichever state was willing to pay by selling them ever more efficient and ingenious ways of annihilating each other. Arms manufacturing profits soared in the industrialised west.

Erdoğan is a supremacist; he dreams of overall power and influence across the area, his expansionist plans and hostile rhetoric must be significantly unsettling to the mullahs in Tehran. He sees himself deserving to be the new Caliph. The memories of the Ottoman-Persian wars run deep as both nations battled for supremacy centuries ago. Little wonder Iran spins its centrifuges in earnest.

All the while, Israel watches intently. 

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2 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

The reason I like the Kurds is because they're defined by a national cause, not religious whackery.

I think you might be wrong there.


After the first Iraq war when the Kurds got their enclaves. The Kurds divided into various political factions with plenty of infighting. They were not fighting with custard pies neither.

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

 There's been a proxy war going on between the main protagonists, Iran and Saudi Arabia, for decades.

That should be Centuries since the founding of the World's Most Violent Religion.  

Various Islamic Sects are always Fighting amongst each other.

So long as those Islamic Tribal Sects Fight Tribe Against Tribe, so long as they will be Little People, Silly People, Greedy Barbarous and Cruel:




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When I was young the Turks were mad, I imagined they all wore Alibaba trousers and had scimitar swords. Mad Turks. Then I went on holiday to Turkey and found out it was a nice place with great Roman ruins and nice beaches but the Turks are (in my experience) a bit unhinged, this carry on in Syria is more scimitar waving madness and they should be reigned in. 

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While most of the Kurds are Muslims, they are not aligned with the political Islamism that has been exported around the  world by Saudi Arabia. I think it is more useful to regard them in the same league as the early Arab nationalist movements of the 1920s: religious, yes, but nationalist and not Islamist. The only reason Islamism has spread is because of continual meddling by the western powers to undermine progressive nationalist and democratic governments. Iran would be a secular nation today if it were not for western meddling numerous times since WW2.

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8 hours ago, 2bees said:

When I was young the Turks were mad, I imagined they all wore Alibaba trousers and had scimitar swords. Mad Turks. Then I went on holiday to Turkey and found out it was a nice place with great Roman ruins and nice beaches but the Turks are (in my experience) a bit unhinged, this carry on in Syria is more scimitar waving madness and they should be reigned in. 

The Turks did not come from Turkey. They are external invaders who stole the land and its history and heritage from the indigenous Byzantine (Eastern Roman / Greek-ish) population. This is why we had a Renaissance in western Europe, as we had so many refugees fleeing their invasion. They pillaged churches and cathedrals and put towers around them to make it look like they built them. But they didn't. They did not build the culture, they merely took power and subjugated the indigenous population to persecution, forced conversion, genocide, and exile.

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