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Paul Bell settles with HMRC for £67m

Grounds Keeper Willy

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Yet more complications.  We're now at the stage where they're publishing (14-page) decisions even from case management hearings:

https://www.judgments.im/content/Judgment 020124.pdf

The case is (para 4) a: doleance claim [that] relates to a narrow issue, namely the lawfulness of the transmission of material from the Island by Timothy Sinclair Green KC (“Mr Green”) to the UK pursuant to International Letters of Request (“ILORs”) regarding “Operation Bannock”, a UK criminal investigation and prosecution.

Naturally there are all sorts of complications involving whether things are in time, disclosure of evidence and whether "Operation Bannock" counts as being associated with "Operation Braid" (these people all watched too many WW2 films as kids).  But it does throw up some extra information:

7  [...] In conjunction with Operation Braid, HMRC and the CPS in the UK have been investigating the Claimant for conspiracy to cheat the public revenue, VAT evasion and money laundering under the code name “Operation Bannock”. The Claimant’s UK trial is scheduled for 2024.

18 Mr Hodivala’s client [Bell] faces a trial due to commence at Liverpool Crown Court on 10 June 2024. [...]

So obviously any settlement with HMRC wasn't final.

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