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UK General Election Dec 2019


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1 minute ago, woolley said:

You seem to have a blind spot when it comes to your own culpability in these outbreaks of hostility, PK. You see venom from others as one sided bullying aimed at yourself. You apparently don't register when you are doing the same thing. Often you instigate it!

The pathetically puerile playground name-calling usually has a single source. You can also sense the anger. Self-generated would be my guess....

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4 hours ago, woody2 said:

corbyn taking questions 4 at a time from the press.......so he doesn't have to answer questions he doesn't want.....

It’s called politics son.

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Tom Watson has decided to spend more time with his family.

So a deputy leader and a cabinet member (who is very much under a cloud) quit on the first day of the campaign.

Saw Maitless take the tories to task on their lies about the shambles that is Universal Credit. The token tory sacrifice didn't really bother trying to defend the indefensible.

It would appear that having a totally amoral inveterate liar as leader means anything goes....

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14 hours ago, woody2 said:

lefty sly news...

Would that be the Sky News, part of the Sky Network, formerly owned by Rupert Murdoch (the extremely right wing tax dodge) and 21st Century Fox (you as in Fox News - the famously right wing conservative brain drain) until the bulk of the shares were sold on to Comcast?

0/10...Must try harder

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5 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Would that be the Sky News, part of the Sky Network, formerly owned by Rupert Murdoch (the extremely right wing tax dodge) and 21st Century Fox (you as in Fox News - the famously right wing conservative brain drain) until the bulk of the shares were sold on to Comcast?

0/10...Must try harder

you missed the rest out.....

14 hours ago, woody2 said:

lefty sly news is going in for attack on the tories........claimed james cleverly was in the studio but wouldn't go on.........he wasn't even booked and was on talk radio at the time........

you must try harder......

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4 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

The Labour Party really do seem to be a party at war with themselves:


Corbyn suffers from the "Kinnochio" effect.

The government are a complete shambles but voters won't get rid of them because the opposition leader is simply not seen as PM material.

Amazing when you think the current PM is a totally amoral narcissistic inveterate liar and serial philanderer...

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4 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Do you have that on an autotype (tanilasp) or do you actually type that out fully each time?

It would be quite something to keep that at hand as one of your most used expressions, wouldn't it? There will be just our PK and some tosser at the Guardian in the entire world who are doing that.

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