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UK General Election Dec 2019


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12 hours ago, P.K. said:

Cabinet Office blocks publication of OBR economic forecast

Treasury forecaster’s report was expected to show decline in UK public finances

Mark Sedwill, the head of the Cabinet Office, pulled the plug only an hour before the Office for Budget Responsibility was due to send out documents that were also expected to chart how Brexit uncertainty has worsened the outlook for public finances.


Typical Grauniad gruel. Everything blamed on Brexit uncertainty and no mention of global downturn,  German problems etc. Very poor. 

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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

This is a typical example of how social media is used to mislead. Then it goes viral. The launch was said to be to 500 handpicked invited supporters. It wasn't a public meeting where anyone could turn up. All sides are at it and it's one of the reasons why politics is so crass and shallow. 

Did I make a comment on the photo?  I just shared the image.  

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9 minutes ago, woolley said:

Typical Grauniad gruel. Everything blamed on Brexit uncertainty and no mention of global downturn,  German problems etc. Very poor. 

None of which have any bearing on the report being blocked.

There is no point at all in having an OBR if the Executive have the power censure their outputs.  Apparently because it doesn't suit their politics at the time.

Strange but true according to google the story is also being run by the beeb and itv but no other MSM. Little wonder as a country we're in such a mess. Thank goodness for the trusty Grauniad, isn't that right Woolster....?

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36 minutes ago, P.K. said:

None of which have any bearing on the report being blocked.

There is no point at all in having an OBR if the Executive have the power censure their outputs.  Apparently because it doesn't suit their politics at the time.

Strange but true according to google the story is also being run by the beeb and itv but no other MSM. Little wonder as a country we're in such a mess. Thank goodness for the trusty Grauniad, isn't that right Woolster....?

the guardian have lied......as i already pointed out........

the tories want it published along with the labour spending report.....

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:


Ah yes. The chap who looks forward to the day when national Parliaments are merely regional councils under the EU. Yesterday's man with his discredited ideas. Amiable enough old buffer,  I suppose,  but dangerous mindset. 

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Ah yes. The chap who looks forward to the day when national Parliaments are merely regional councils under the EU. Yesterday's man with his discredited ideas. Amiable enough old buffer,  I suppose,  but dangerous mindset. 

Just like the Isle of Man gradually becoming a regional council under the UK isn't it?  Didn't we have a Conservative MP recently suggesting that the Crown Dependencies should lobby for an elected MP to represent them in Westminster?  

46 minutes ago, Lagman said:

As opposed to the crazy, left wing Marxist organization calling itself Labour?

That is Corbyn and Momentum.  I think Labour will be the next party to tear itself apart following the example set by the Conservative Party.

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With social media so pervasive this is going to be the worst election campaign ever, until the next one. Nobody listens to policies, they just cherry-pick the latest meme to suit their preconceived view. I’m sort of glad I’m not voting in it. 

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Ah yes. The chap who looks forward to the day when national Parliaments are merely regional councils under the EU. Yesterday's man with his discredited ideas. Amiable enough old duffer,  I suppose,  but dangerous mindset. 

You're not wrong there.

A tory politician with actual principles that include putting country before self-interest!

Well, who knew....?

I doubt if it will ever catch on mind...

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You're not wrong there.

A tory politician with actual principles that include putting country before self-interest!

Well, who knew....?

I doubt if it will ever catch on mind...

So the relegation of national Parliaments to being merely regional councils under the EU is putting country before self-interest? Thank you for confirming that your "country" is the United States of Europe.

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8 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

 I think Labour will be the next party to tear itself apart following the example set by the Conservative Party.

Blimey. They've been doing it for years. Corbyn election as leader. Purge of Blairites. Emergence of Momentum. Mass shadow cabinet resignations. Attempts to unseat Corbyn as leader. Anti-semitism infighting. Pushmepullyou Brexit policy. It's well and truly fooked.

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15 minutes ago, wrighty said:

With social media so pervasive this is going to be the worst election campaign ever, until the next one. Nobody listens to policies, they just cherry-pick the latest meme to suit their preconceived view. I’m sort of glad I’m not voting in it. 

it's going to get nasty.......

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