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UK General Election Dec 2019


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33 minutes ago, woolley said:

Sacrificed his career? The 79 year old who is standing down in any case? :D

Don't start effing and blinding at me. You're not having your nightly rant at Quilpy now. It's too early.

You're still left scratching around for excuses and everybody knows it.

Went back to the YUK today to sort out the voting cards. No idea who to vote for though or if it would make a difference.

I suspect not.

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19 minutes ago, P.K. said:


But he was not alone. Let's not forget Dominic Grieve, Nicholas Soames, Oliver Letwin, Philip Hammond and others. Frankly to try and diminish what happened by pointing out "The Father Of The House" was going anyway is pretty poor really.

I guess it just demonstrates just what a self-serving, untrustworthy, snake-in-the-grass Johnson really is and how the brexiteers will turn to absolutely anything to try and justify their totally stupid and unnecessary brexit....

dole queue.......

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31 minutes ago, P.K. said:


But he was not alone. Let's not forget Dominic Grieve, Nicholas Soames, Oliver Letwin, Philip Hammond and others. Frankly to try and diminish what happened by pointing out "The Father Of The House" was going anyway is pretty poor really.

I guess it just demonstrates just what a self-serving, untrustworthy, snake-in-the-grass Johnson really is and how the brexiteers will turn to absolutely anything to try and justify their totally stupid and unnecessary brexit....

But you. P.K. Chose to name KC. Stop wriggling.

Politics is full of “et tu Brutus” moments, especially at times of realignment due to stress events in national and party interests.

Its too soon to portray anyone as winners, traitors, losers, martyrs. At least until the last of the votes are counted on 13 December. 

Personally I hope that the likes Gove, Johnson, Rees Mogg, Francois, and Farage etc, + Woody2 and woolley) get their comeuppance. But as I don’t have a vote all I can do is encourage my friends to vote tactically for anyone other than Boris.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

But you. P.K. Chose to name KC. Stop wriggling.

Politics is full of “et tu Brutus” moments, especially at times of realignment due to stress events in national and party interests.

Its too soon to portray anyone as winners, traitors, losers, martyrs. At least until the last of the votes are counted on 13 December. 

Personally I hope that the likes Gove, Johnson, Rees Mogg, Francois, and Farage etc, + Woody2 and woolley) get their comeuppance. But as I don’t have a vote all I can do is encourage my friends to vote tactically for anyone other than Boris.

Sure. But what part of "True" is not understood?

I picked KC because he was the most notable figure. Simple as.

We don't know who to vote for. Because we think that the Labour brexiteers will all vote for totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Boris Johnson. And it doesn't seem to matter how many times you point out that Gina Miller proved beyond any doubt that only our sovereign parliament can make our laws, that UK exports will be hit by tariffs of up to 40% destroying their competitiveness, that will mean the pound will fall in value against the Euro, so the 40% of our food that we import from the EU will cost more, that we need foreign labour and EU citizens coming here contribute more per head to UK PLC than the indigenous population, that fewer mobile EU workers means more migrants coming to the UK wanting to settle here, that the NHS relies heavily on non-UK workers to function and guess what?

The brexiteers just don't care. They've been told everything will be just just fine and facts and figures are for snowflakes...

Like lemmings over a cliff....

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7 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Sure. But what part of "True" is not understood?

I picked KC because he was the most notable figure. Simple as.

What you picked him for wasn't true, you know, the sacrificial inference. Had JW not cleared it up you might've gotten away with another hysterical claim. 

7 minutes ago, P.K. said:

We don't know who to vote for. Because we think that the Labour brexiteers will all vote for Boris Johnson.

This doesn't make sense. Who's the "we"? And why shouldn't Labour leavers vote with their conscience? It's a free vote isn't it? More democracy: that's what everyone seems to want. Now you've got it you don't seem to want it.

It'll be the Guardian giving you the reflux... 

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

What you picked him for wasn't true, you know, the sacrificial inference. Had JW not cleared it up you might've gotten away with another hysterical claim. 

"Hysterical claim" indeed! What nonsense. What part of "he was the most notable figure" is it that you don't understand? Me hysterical? Oh the irony...

1 hour ago, quilp said:

This doesn't make sense. Who's the "we"? And why shouldn't Labour leavers vote with their conscience? It's a free vote isn't it? More democracy: that's what everyone seems to want. Now you've got it you don't seem to want it.

The "we" is me and my "partner" of course. So it makes perfect sense. Unless you have something of a fevered imagination of course.

As to "why shouldn't Labour leavers vote with their conscience?" as far as I'm concerned they vote as they see fit. And in my experience, being partially domiciled in the YUK, they simply can't be reasoned with. They're voting Leave and that is that. However they're very reticent as to why. Also just saying the word "sovereignty" isn't a reason, it's just a word.

Is that your experience as well? What do your experiences tell you?

Please share...

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8 hours ago, woody2 said:

"I am not voting for some crazy right-wing nationalist organisation calling themselves a Conservative government - but that, I think, is laying it on a bit. I don't think that's where we'll wind up."



General election 2019: 'Misleading' Abbott tweet used in Labour campaign


Jesus Christ!  Did Woody just fact check something or have I been drinking??


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2 hours ago, quilp said:

For drama, you said KC sacrificed his long-standing career when in fact he was leaving anyway. This was a deliberate untruth to gain effect. 

It wasn't a deliberate untruth you clown. 

I picked his name because he was the most notable rebel figure. I simply wasn't aware he was throwing in the towel.

You can be sure of one thing though. It won't be how he wanted to leave...

Now, what are your experiences of the reasons why folks who want to leave simply can't be reasoned with? After all, week after week you watch them shouting their empty slogans on QT. Do you have any insights to share?

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Man unsure if he’s a left-wing Labour voter or a far-right racist

A NORTHERN man is undecided as to whether to back the most radically left-wing Labour party of his lifetime or a bunch of far-right hardcore racists.

Roy Hobbs, from Hartlepool, has voted Labour all his life but admits he is tempted by the Brexit party’s diametrically opposed political views.

He said: “I do like public services, the NHS, higher taxes on billionaires and more rights for workers. But I’m also drawn to abolishing the public sector, privatising the NHS, no taxes on billionaires and no rights for workers.


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